Home Board Members MPC/DRC meeting results from March 21

MPC/DRC meeting results from March 21

MPC/DRC - LC file photo

By Carl Helton, Lakeland Currents staff

Carl Helton

The MPC/DRC (Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission) met for its regular monthly meeting.  Chair Susan Mitchell and member Todd Laessig were absent from the meeting.

Vice-chair Scott Carmichael led the meeting.  Added to the agenda was discussion of the master plan for the Athletic Complex.  All were in favor to add to the agenda.

Link to agenda: https://www.lakelandtn.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/831

First was the discussion and possible action on pending amendments to the City of Lakeland Wireless Transmission Facility Ordinance.

The purpose of the text amendments to Article 3, Section 14 (Wireless Transmission Facilities) of the City’s Land Development Regulations is to update the existing code pertaining to the review and processing of Wireless Transmission Facilities (WTF). The proposed revisions address changes recently adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the State Legislative Bodies (Public Charter No. 819).

More specifically, it is to establish policies and procedures for the placement of small cell wireless facilities in the public rights-of-way within the City’s jurisdiction in response to the State Legislative adoption of Public Charter No. 819 known as the “Competitive Wireless Broadband Investment, Deployment, and Safety Act of 2018.” Staff has worked with the City Attorney, other suburban municipalities and outside wireless service providers to prepare this ordinance amendment. The amendment addresses the concerns of allowing this new technology within public rights-of-way as well as creates a process for review of the new small cell facilities on private property that adheres to the regulations and guideline established by the new state legislation.

Following a recommendation from the Planning Commission, the proposed text amendments will progress to the Board of Commissioners (BOC) for final consideration by the staff.   These proposed amendments will create a new process for reviewing and approving new small wireless cell facilities in accordance with requirements recently adopted by the State of TN and the FCC. The regulations will also allow the City of Lakeland to maintain some control, where applicable, on the placement of these new facilities within the public row. A new application form has been created to facilitate the review of new small wireless cell facilities within the City. An addendum to the existing LDR is currently being prepared that will provide some design guidelines for small cell facilities to assist in preserving the existing aesthetics of the city as allowed by state law.

Several representatives from Verizon were on hand to give a presentation of the next phase in wireless communication. During their presentation they stated they were currently not in the process of pulling permits in order to construct new small cell towers but were presenting the City.  The proposed amendments will create a new process for reviewing and approving the new small wireless cell facilities in accordance with requirements recently adopted by the State.

Board unanimously approved.

Action on approval of Sign Permit Application for Cannon Chiropractic located at 9020 U.S. Highway 64, Suite 103.

Cannon Chiropractic was requesting approval of a 50-square-foot wall sign proposed on the storefront centered above the tenant entrance.

As designed, the wall sign area meets the ordinance’s standard permissible sign area.

Board unanimously approved.

Action on approval of a Site Plan for Canada Road Bicycle / Pedestrian Trail Facilities and Public Improvements.

This trail is part of a regional trail system which includes links to the Greenline, providing access from West Memphis to U.S. Highway 70. The project includes connecting the existing trail to the new facilities at the I-40/Canada Road Interchange as well as safety, ADA and drainage improvements. Curb and gutters will be added to the entire project area to provide separation from traffic was well as alleviate drainage issues. New stamped concrete crosswalks will be installed at all major and minor road crossings. Additionally, two new Gateway signs will be installed at the I-40 interchange.

The City received a Transportation Alternatives Grant from both the MPO and TDOT for improvements to the existing trail on Canada Road between I-40 and Highway 64.

Staff recommended approval of a site plan which includes Bicycle/Pedestrian trail facilities, public improvements (curb/gutter) and Lakeland entrance signage along Canada Road.

Board unanimously approves as submitted to staff.

Action on approval of Site Plan for Corner Shops Shopping Center Exterior Renovations located at 2961 Canada Road, Suite 101.

 The tenant space under review was previously occupied by The Pet Hospitals Veterinary Clinic.

It is now vacant but will be occupied by Dr. Brink and White Dental office with minor improvements as proposed. Proposed improvements include:

The incorporation of standing seam metal awnings as a design feature to provide shade for the new use of Dental office.

Staff recommends approval of the Corner Shops site plan that was originally approved by the MPC on July 16, 2007.

Board unanimously approved.

Added to the Agenda: Approval to move forward with the Master Plan for Sports Complex located at Memphis-Arlington Road at Scott’s Creek

City Parks & Recreation Director addressed the board about the funding already provided by grants on the 100 acre city owned property on Memphis-Arlington at Scott’s creek. A preliminary site concept was presented as well as a projected construction time frame in order to complete the first phase within the state regulations provided in the grant.  Construction to begin in the fall of 2019 with completion spring of 2020.  Once completed the city will then be able to apply for another grant.

 Board unanimously approved.

Discussion and possible action on pending amendments to the City of Lakeland Planned Development Ordinance

Discussion about several changes needed to the Lakeland Planned Development ordinance to streamline the process, provide greater clarity and bring it up to date with current practices. Regulations were adjusted to allow commercial areas to be more conducive to development.

Board unanimously approved.

There were no public discussions.