Home Board Members MPC/DRC August meeting: Two project approvals

MPC/DRC August meeting: Two project approvals

MPC/DRC met Thursday for their monthly session

By Carl Helton, MPC/DRC Board member

Carl Helton

The MPC/DRC (Municipal Planning & Design Review Commission) met Thursday (8.16.18) to discuss a final site plan and planned development amendment.

Link to agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/786

There were two items on the agenda for the MPC/DRC; Gateway Tire, LP and Estates of Chambers Chapel.

Gateway Tire requested final site plan approval to construct an accessory outdoor storage (vehicle storage area) containing 31 parking spaces intended for temporary storage of patrons’ vehicles.

Although the proposed Gateway site plan substantially complies with the city ordinance and the Board of Appeals approved a conditional use permit in the spring, the final approval of the detailed site plan package fell under the authority of MPC/ DRC.

Consistent with the conditional use permit approved, Gateway Tire is proposed construction of a new parking area at the rear of the property which they recently acquired. Per Lakeland’s code the property is classified as “outdoor storage”. The proposed expanded area will provide an additional 31 parking spaces intended to accommodate the facility’s daily vehicle service operations by providing short term storage of customers’ vehicles.

Proposed construction documents accompanied the application and were provided for the Board to review. Staff recommended approval with several conditions: No material and for parked vehicles to be stored no longer than 96 hours and the front three columns be repainted black.

The Board had questions on lighting, landscape, security and fence screening.  A represented for Gateway answered questions from the Board. Commissioner Wesley Wright asked about adding a fence due to the new landscaping not mature enough to fully screen the property to the north.  Cory Brady, city planner, explained that the way the ordinance reads, the fence would change the landscape design requirements and reduce the amount of trees for the landscape buffer.  In all the Board voted in favor of the applicant and the project was approved unanimously.

The developer for Estates of Chambers Chapel sought approval of a planned development amendment for The Estates of Chambers Chapel PD. Staff processed the request as an amendment to the outline plan and preliminary development plan simultaneously.

The development was originally approved in September 2016 and has had several amendments to the project.  Current modification is incorporating additional land area, adding lots, reconfiguring common open space, etc.

Due to alterations by the developer, the entire plan is subject for review with potential modification by the City staff. Staff’s opinion is that the overall theme of the planned development is not significantly changing when compared to the current, approved plan.  In comparison to the already approved plan, the changes have been modified enough to permit a full review.  As such, staff focused its review upon the regulating provisions of the planned development as opposed to the overall design.

Once review of those previously approved plans, the staff determined that the development is incomplete with the following provisions:

  1. Sewer connectivity
  2. Long-term tree protection for individual lots at the building permit level and throughout on-going owner occupancy
  3. Adequate on-site detention
  4. Scenic Corridor designation on Chambers Chapel

At the time of the submittal the developer had already addressed all the listed issues with the exception of the sewer connection.  At the time of the meeting a solution had been provided to the city and the staff feels it is an adequate solution to the connection but it will need to be fully reviewed.  The applicant has bought a lot in the neighboring subdivision that borders the proposed development in order for the sanitary sewer to be connected to an existing pipe. City Engineer Emily Harrell stated to the Board that this will be a viable solution for the sewer connectivity provision.

The developer was on hand to address the Board of the sewer solution as well as any other comments the Board had about the overall development.  At this time the board had concerns about the overall look of the entrance to the subdivision.  The developer is willing to work with modification for the Board’s approval.

Board approved the amendment unanimously with the condition that the developer provide several design ideas for the entrance.

… Photo by Lakeland Currents.