Come plant some flowers at City Hall tomorrow and meet the three men running for the open spot on the Board of Commissioners (BOC).
And those who volunteer for the plantings will receive a free KLB (Keep Lakeland Beautiful) T-shirt.
It all starts at 5:30 p.m. in front of Lakeland City Hall. Additional parking will be available behind City Hall Park on Memphis-Arlington Road. Youth football practice is scheduled for the same time on City Hall fields.
About 30 tree saplings will be placed along a stream behind City Hall. And summer annuals will replace winter pansies in six decorative pots outside City Hall.
- 5:30 p.m. May 2 at City Hall
The three candidates seeking to replace Michele Dial who resigned in March are Maurice Denbow, Billy Rodgers and Wesley Wright. Come to help, come to meet.
There is a second planting day this month and it will be at the two Gateway Signs: Canada Road near U.S. Highway 64 and Walgreen’s and Highway 64 and Fletcher Trace Parkway near Sprouts Farmer’s Market. As with the plantings at City Hall, this project will replace pansies with summer annuals.
- 2 p.m. May 7 at the two Gateway Signs

All who volunteer will be given free KLB T-shirts. Please contact Kim Odom at City Hall if you can help at one event or both. 746-8195 kodom@lakelandtn.org