Home Elected Officials LSS: Security guard starts at LES tomorrow; LSB meets tomorrow night

LSS: Security guard starts at LES tomorrow; LSB meets tomorrow night

Robert Gibson has been named as the first LES (Lakeland Elementary School) armed security guard and will start tomorrow (10.15.18).

Dr. Ted Horrell, superintendent for the LSS (Lakeland School System), announced the new security guard as part of enhanced security measures at the School.

“The additions are being partially subsidized by one-time and recurring school safety funding from the Tennessee Department of Education,” said Dr. Horrell.  “The construction of the new entrance was already underway when the grants from the state were announced. The new security position was approved as part of the school system’s 2018-19 budget. Lakeland Middle Preparatory School is serviced by a school resource officer (SRO) provided by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department.”

Mr. Gibson is assigned to LES full-time as the new in-house security officer.

See the complete press release below:


The LSB (Lakeland School Board) meets at 5:45 p.m. tomorrow night (10.15.18) at City Hall.

Link to agenda:   https://lakelandk12.org/lss/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/10.15.18-Business-Meeting-Agenda.pdf

Among items to be discussed:  An FY 18-19 budget amendment, bilingual facilitator job, review of an emergency preparedness plan and evaluations for the superintendent and school board.