Stacy Hume, a second grade teacher at Lakeland Elementary School (LES), and Tami Boeve, an instructional facilitator based at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School), were honored tonight (12.4.17) for attaining tenure within the Lakeland School System (LSS).
During the monthly LSB (Lakeland School Board) work session, both women were given certificates and honored by the Board, their principals and Dr. Horrell with a reception.
Dr. Horrell, LSS superintendent, said tenure is acquired by being with LSS five years and having outstanding evaluations. Both of the recipients, he said, met those criteria and had outstanding evaluations.
One Lakeland resident came forward for public speaking. Susan Richardson indicated she thought she was coming to the special called meeting (which was at 4:30 p.m. preceding the 5.45 p.m. work session). She was surprised to learn of the timing on the first meeting, saying she didn’t receive notification of the called meeting. She said she gets email alerts on other City and School meetings but was not notified of this called meeting tonight.

Dr. Horrell explained the meeting and agenda were posted to the LSS website last week as are all their meetings. As for email notices from the City, he said he didn’t set up the City webpage calendar and any alerts from the calendar. He noted that he sends a whole year’s worth of meeting dates to the City and perhaps those dates are put on the calendar and generate emails.
In addition, Dr. Horrell said there was a public notice in The Commercial Appeal as well as agenda/meeting links on the Lakeland Currents website.
LSB Chair Kevin Floyd said he would check with City staff about the possibility of including School Board special meetings in their email alerts.
In his report to the Board, Dr. Horrell presented a series of slides relating to the System’s strategic plan. He reviewed five goals and whether the goals were achieved, showing progress or some progress and needing additional work.
See slides for details:
All items up for discussion were reviewed by the Board including an update to the instructional calendar. Dr. Horrell said Arlington Community Schools (ACS) may be tweaking their calendar a bit differently from the systems in Bartlett and Collierville. He suggested the need to stick with ACS for a number of reasons and said he hoped to have more information at the regular LSB meeting Dec. 11.
Work session agenda
17-18 salary schedule
Budget amendments
Textbook committee
Curriculum development policy update
Update to textbooks policy