Home Elected Officials LSB: SSO approved for LES, with budget amendment for funding

LSB: SSO approved for LES, with budget amendment for funding

LSB meeting tonight

The Lakeland School Board (LSB) in its business meeting tonight (8.13.18) approved a job description for a School Security Officer (SSO) for Lakeland Elementary School (LES).

Link to agenda: https://lakelandk12.org/lss/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/8.13.18-Business-Meeting-Agenda.pdf

Link to budget amendments: https://lakelandk12.org/lss/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August-2018-Budget-Amendments.docx.pdf

Link to salary schedule: https://lakelandk12.org/lss/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-19-LSS-Salary-Schedules-ALL-Positions-UPDATED-8.9.18.pdf

Policy link: https://lakelandk12.org/lss/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Policy-6.409-Child-Abuse-and-Neglect-edited-version-8.18.pdf

Link to livestream:  https://livestream.com/lakeland/events/8329768

Dr. Ted Horrell, superintendent for the Lakeland School System (LSS), said the person at LES will not be a SRO (School Resource Officer) under the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) as is the case at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School). The person hired for LES will be in-house, on the staff at LES, a retired officer and “post-certifiable.”   If hired through law enforcement, the SRO is considered to be “post-certified.”

Board Member Teresa Henry said she initially had a hard time agreeing to move money out of the classroom for a staff person.  So she reached out to officials of the Bartlett City Schools who employ SSOs in their system.  She noted that in Bartlett, the SSO handles many problems in a school, freeing teachers and staff to do their jobs.  In addition to being on campus for corrections, she said, the SSO can deal with relationships with students.  And Bartlett has seen a decrease in bullying, she said.

Mrs. Henry asked that a newly hired SSO be introduced to the students via assembly or in the classrooms.

Board Member Geoff Hicks said the hire will be a tremendous asset.  It’s an insurance policy you don’t know you need,” he said.

Vice Chair Laura Harrison commended the Board for all the steps taken to provide security within the LSS.  “This (SSO) is part of our comprehensive security measures,” she said.

Following approval of the new position, Dr. Horrell went to the next item on the agenda: FY 18-19 budget amendment.  “Let’s pay for it,” he said.

The almost $319K in amendments, he said, can be compensated from growth funds.  The current BEP (Basic Education Program) state funds are fueled from the 2017-18 numbers, and they were higher than expected, Dr. Horrell said.

Among the amendment items are the SSO position, an additional teacher at LES, two additional teachers at LMPS and an education assistant and additional Chromebooks, should they be necessary.

Chair Kevin Floyd asked if this is money the System already has. Dr. Horrell said yes, the System has the BEP funds so there will be no requests from the BOC (Board of Commissioners) for funding of the amendments.

Other business

LSB members approved a resolution to submit to TSBA (Tennessee School Board Association) for additional funding for security officers, as suggested by Member Geoff Hicks.  Mr. Hicks also was given the go-ahead to talk with other school districts to create a resolution for opting out of the TNReady testing in favor of ACT Suite of Tests or SAT tests.

Dr. Horrell reported a smooth first day of school today, noting everyone did a good job.  First day attendance numbers for LES are 915 compared to 881 a year ago; 772 at LMPS versus 712 in 2017.  Total students in the System today are 1,687 compared to the first day in 2017 which was 1,593.

Construction projects continue at both schools. MLGW will have lights ready for the first home football game at LMPS on Sept. 6.  The secure entrance at LES awaits doors and hardware and a receptionist desk, according to Dr. Horrell.

Final cafeteria report between the two schools is $40,580 in the black with $14K at LES and $27K at LMPS. “We are operating at a nice little profit,” he said.

During the SSO talks, there was discussion about procedure for a plain clothes officer with a weapon at a school.  School Attorney Eric Plumley said the statue says it’s not limited to plain clothes but off-duty officers.  They must give immediate notice to the principal or designee before coming on campus.  “They can’t come on campus with a gun and say ‘I’m here.’ ”

Amended salary schedules were approved as were booster clubs for LMPS Cheer and Orchestra and an update to a policy on child abuse and neglect.

There will not be a work session or business meeting for LSB in September.  Instead, Dr. Horrell will reach out to Board members to confirm a date for a retreat.  Mrs. Harrison said if immediate business arises, a special meeting can be called.  The September work session falls on Labor Day and the month business meeting coincides with an out-of-town conference for Dr. Horrell.

The consent agenda was approved.