During its business meeting last night (10.7.19) at City Hall, the Lakeland School Board (LSB) approved a resolution to accept and register a quit claim deed on 2.6 acres adjacent to school property.
The resolution, along with an update to the school board calendar, was added to the published agenda.
Link to agenda:
Link to Livestream: https://livestream.com/lakeland/events/8849153
Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System (LSS) superintendent, said the Warner R. and Evelyn F. Wiles family owns three lots north and east of the easternmost portion of LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) and wants to dedicate lot three to LSS.
He said the deeded property would connect LMPS and Old Brownsville Road which could potentially provide access to future athletic fields. Kevin Floyd, chair of LSB, said the property will give better access to that part of the LMPS campus. For their donation to LSS, Board Member Jeremy Burnett suggested that a proclamation be presented to the Wiles family at the next LSB meeting.
Link to the resolution: https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/10.07.19%20BM/RES%2019.10.01%20-%20Land%20Donation.pdf
Of plans to build the first high school in Lakeland, Dr. Horrell said, “We’re off to the races and working on things right now.” He said official approval of a USDA loan to build the high school wing at LMPS was Sept. 26th. “This set the ball rolling and we are in the design phase and that’s only 11 days into that.” Among design items he mentioned were an auditorium, athletic facilities and field house.
Renaissance Group has been recommended to USDA as architect for the project. Dr. Horrell said once USDA approves the contact, it will come before the Board, likely in a called meeting after fall break (Oct. 14-18, 2019).
Dr. Horrell said the loan with USDA will be very different than the CON (Capital Outlay Note) used for LMPS. He noted USDA officials have said they will be with Lakeland every step of the way, from ground-breaking to ribbon-cutting. Dr. Horrell said the August 2022 (estimated opening) provides plenty of time for the project. Chairman Floyd said he welcomes the transparency. “I welcome the additional eyes.”
FY 19-20 budget amendment
Approval was given to establish a budget for monies to construct the high school facilities ($40,013,119) and to update the System’s budget for federal programs, which Dr. Horrell said is constantly changing. Chair Floyd
asked if the high school money had been transferred to the City or School System. Dr. Horrell explained that a bid for interim financing must be awarded to an institution and then there will be a closing on the financing.
Other business
Upcoming fundraisers for Lakeland Elementary School include a Holiday Market Nov. 17th at IH Clubhouse and the Annual Auction Feb. 29th.
Delegates to the TSBA (Tennessee School Board Association) General Assembly will be LSB members Deborah Thomas and Michelle Childs.
The “School Start Times Committee” includes community, school and faculty staff representatives: Valerie Crabtree, Heather Rios, Susan Kee, Shelly White, Jamie Hathcock and Board Member Thomas.
The Board meeting calendar was amended to cancel the Feb. 10th meeting and have only one meeting that month on Feb. 3rd which will be a business meeting. The “Day on the Hill” in Nashville coincides with the Feb. 10th meeting.
Discussion items 2, 3 and 4 were approved and items 8 and 9 were removed because the evaluations were finalized in August.