The Lakeland School Board met Monday night (4.13.20) for a business meeting, electronically due to COVID-19. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 budget was unanimously approved and Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System (LSS) superintendent, talked of potentially not returning to school.
Link to agenda:
Link to video of meeting:
Among new budget items reviewed by Dr. Horrell are adjustments to the stipends for LSS coaches and sponsors. “We are finalizing exactly what that looks like,” he said. “It did result in a significant increase, fairly significant increase to the coaching stipend line item.” He said last year the line item was $10,000 and the amount for FY 20-21 is $60,000.

“That is a significant obviously increase. It’s something we are excited about for a long, long, long time. Public school coaches in particular have been paid just a pittance to do things that take up hours and hours of their time outside of school.”
Asked by Vice Chairman Laura Harrison about submission of the budget to the BOC (Board of Commissioners), Dr. Horrell answered the budget does go to the BOC and typically he would attend a meeting in person. This year, because of the pandemic, meetings are being conducted electronically for both elected bodies. He said he would be available to meet electronically. It would be at the discretion of the BOC, he said.
Link to budget:
In his report to the Board, Dr. Horrell said he is starting to have conversations about the potential of not returning to school but the decision is not made yet. He said he is relying on the Governor’s guidance in terms of recommendations for school closure. “We are starting to have conversations on returning Chromebooks, students getting personal items from lockers, teachers picking up personal items. What might those things look like,” he said.
“There have been a lot of questions about the 8th grade promotion ceremony. I have heard from Bellevue Baptist Church and the organizers. They haven’t cancelled but pre-emptively say if we have to cancel, they will try to reschedule if it’s possible to make up these ceremonies.
“To be clear, there haven’t been any decisions made regarding that, but we are moving forward with the possibility that we don’t return because we have to plan for the worst and hope for the best.”
Other meeting news
Dr. Horrell said Board Member Jeremy Burnett was not in attendance for a personal issue.
Board Member Michelle Childs, TLN (Tennessee Legislative Network) representative, gave a report on activity in the General Assembly. She said the Body temporarily halted its session March 19th because of COVID-19 and is due to reconvene June 1st.

The biggest bill by the Assembly addressed COVID-19, she said. It was House Bill 2818 and Senate Bill 2672. “Basically it addressed all concerns we had about school closures.
- Typical mandatory testing at the end of the year is all waived.
- Student growth measures will not be generated from TCAP (Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program)
- Teachers won’t be using any assessments to guide them.
- No evaluations will be used this year.
- No TCAP scores in students’ final grades.
- 180-day instructional day requirement is waived.
- ACT to graduate is waived.
She said the Tennessee Board of Education met April 9th and provided more guidance on how this will look. “Grades will end as of March 20th, she said.
Mrs. Childs also reported on other bills being followed by the LSB including reciprocity for teachers in other states, alternative schools location, physical education requirements and a requirement to take students from other districts.
Reviewing the March financial summary, Dr. Horrell said everything is trending. “It will probably be the next one where we see impact for things that we’re not paying for that we normally would have been. We can expect electric bills would be a little lower for the time we’re out. As of right now, our current budget is where it should be.”
Discussion items #2 and #3 were unanimously approved. Of #3, approval of Policy 5.3051 – FFCRA Leave (Families First Coronavirus Response Act), Dr. Horrell said this is a new policy which is a direct result of the COVID-19 situation. He said LSB policy requires two readings on new policies but the Board can waive the second reading. The Board agreed to waive the second reading and approved the policy which expires Dec. 31st.
Link to policy:
Board Member Deborah Thomas said teachers miss the students and students miss their teachers during the closures forced by the pandemic. She reminded parents to watch the Virtual Parades from both Lakeland schools on Facebook pages. “Thanks to our teachers,” she said.
Mrs. Childs said middle school course selections are available and reminded parents to register students, a requirement before course selection can be done.