Home Elected Officials LSB May meetings set

LSB May meetings set

The Lakeland School Board (LSB) will meet for a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. and work session at 5:45 p.m. tomorrow (5.6.19) at City Hall.

Link to special agenda: https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/05.06.19%20SC/05.06.19%20Special%20Called%20Meeting%20Agenda.pdf

Among the three items on the special meeting agenda are a revision to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 original budget and a resolution recognizing five years of unanimous support for the Lakeland School Board to build a high school in Lakeland.

Link to work session agenda:  https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/05.06.19%20WS/05.06.19%20Work%20Session%20Agenda.pdf

There are seven discussion items for the work session including presentation on a five-year strategic plan and a contract extension for the superintendent.

The Board has posted notice of a public meeting for 5:45 p.m. May 13th at City Hall.

Link: https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/05.13.19%20BM/Notice%20of%20Public%20Meeting%20-%20Contract%20Extension%2005.13.19.pdf

The first item on the agenda will be discussion and action on a contract extension for Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School superintendent.