A dedication ceremony for LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) has a preliminary date of July 29, according to Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System (LSS) superintendent.
During the May Lakeland School Board (LSB) business meeting tonight (5.1.17), Dr. Horrell shared the potential date with Board members, noting it is not a final date and could be moved to a weekday. He said the middle school is on schedule and the main work activity now is inside the facility.
The Board met in business session with no work session planned for May.
In his report to Board members he said school was out today because of an unexpected storm but everything is back and running. He said the back-up generator worked so there is no lost food in the cafeteria.
Other announcements from Dr. Horrell:
- He is getting the final numbers on Chromebooks for the middle school. All students in grades 5-8 will have the electronic devices.
- Standardized testing went smoothly at LES but he said testing is “not all we do,” remarking there is much more happening at LES than just test preparation.
- The Old Brownsville Road entrance to LMPS is being cleared.
- There were no leaks at LES during recent big rain events (referring to the new roof on the school).
- He presented a graph on RTI2 data dealing with intervention for LES students. He said there are 130 children in the program and the goal is to move students out of intervention.
- Horrell disclosed results from a state-provided practice test to prepare students for the TCAP test. It was in the TNReady format and given just after spring break. The pie-chart slides showed student scores by grade level from advanced to below proficient. “This was great feedback for teachers,” he said. The TNReady testing was pulled last year for students in grades 3-8 because of problems with the company and testing materials. Since there was no testing in 2016 he expects there to be a dip in test scores for 2017 among fourth and fifth graders, but statewide, not just in Lakeland. “We are one of the highest performing schools in the state,” he notes. “Relatively speaking, we should still show up as high performing.”
Slides from the presentation are included with this story.
Members Teresa Henry and Geoff Hicks reviewed legislative bills awaiting signatures including one for school transportation and bus driver training. Of particular interest is a voucher bill which did not pass this year. However, Vice Chair Laura Harrison said she would like to make sure Board members are prepared to discuss that topic for the next legislative session.
Member Kelley Hale asked if there was anything more on the ACT Suite of Tests and Mrs. Henry said no.
There were nine items to be discussed and all were approved, some with amendments.
The LSB 2017-18 meeting schedule was approved (link: https://lakelandk12.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2017-2018-LSS-Board-Calendar-Proposed.pdf ) with three changes: Only one meeting in October on the 2nd; no work sessions in November and July.
Changes were made to the coordinated school health district application and there was much discussion on the Pediculosis (head lice) policy before both were approved.