The students of Lakeland Preparatory School took to the stage April 1st-3rd in a fun and dynamic performance of Matilda, Jr. The cast and crew was comprised of LPS students performing with alternating casts and had 4 performances throughout the weekend.
Angie Criswell, parent of one of the students in the cast, told Lakeland Currents, “It was a fabulous display of the talent our students possess! It was so much fun to watch each of them come alive as his/her character, some of which were double casted, allowing different students to play alternating main roles in different performances. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Garland and every single person who invested in these students as they worked so hard for many, many months to pull it all together! We look forward to seeing what is next.”

Speaking of next, The Lakeland Prep high school addition, which is scheduled to open in August of this year for the first freshman class, boasts a large auditorium which will be a welcome addition to the fabulous future ahead in the drama department of LPS. This is a group to watch!