Home LMPS LMPS has a new boys’ soccer team this year – First game...

LMPS has a new boys’ soccer team this year – First game with Collierville was a tie

Lakeland ready for first game against Collierville - Photo credit to Coach Megan Criner

(Editor’s note:  This story is by Camden Korsmo, an 8th grade student at Lakeland Middle Preparatory School (LMPS) and captain of the new boys’ soccer team.  He is working on his communications merit badge for Boy Scouts and submitted the story as one of his requirements).

The newly formed boys’ soccer team at LMPS played its first game yesterday (2.28.19) and tied 3-3 against Collierville Middle School.

After leading 2-1 at the half, Collierville finished out with a last second goal to tie 3-3.  As the captain, I was proud of the team for the first game with Collierville since it is known as a hard team.  The game was very even the whole time.

Lakeland v Collierville game action – Photo credit to Parent Addie Stanley

The next game is Monday at Elmore Park.

Tryouts for the inaugural soccer team occurred on the 22nd and 24th of January with 45 boys from the 6-8th grades trying to get a spot.

After two cuts, Coach Rick Stearnes, who is also the 7th grade STEM teacher, along with Megan Criner, a 6th grade science teacher and 8th grade STEM teacher, and Logan Al-Chokhachi, a technology support technician, got the team down to 22 boys, myself included.

Newly formed LMPS boys’ soccer team – photo credit to Parent Addie Stanley

The team practices on the LMPS football field Mondays through Thursdays. In the case of bad weather, the team practices in the school gym.

Games are every Monday and Thursday.  The first game against Millington was postponed due to unplayable field conditions from the excessive rain. Therefore, the first game was yesterday against Collierville.

LMPS will play their soccer games on the artificial turf field located on the LMPS campus.

A new concession building has been completed that the booster parents will use during the home games during the season to sell food, drinks and spirit wear.

When I questioned Coach Stearnes about the team he said, “I hope to have a successful, organizational year with these outstanding athletes for a banner start of the program.”  He has played for years and coached recreational soccer for around 6 years. He also would like to see the school, friends, family and the City of Lakeland come out and support the team.

When I spoke with Coach Logan on his hopes for this year he said wanted to help “set a foundation for future years” and to also help “create the identity of the team”.  This is his first year as a coach, but he has been involved in the game of soccer for a while, playing in his youth and still playing pick-up games today.

Mrs. Criner hopes to see “the students grow as young men and as players” and looks to see a successful season.” She has been playing soccer since she was 5-years-old and played continuously through college. Just like Coach Logan, she still enjoys playing pick-up soccer today.

Overall this upcoming season will define what the future generations of players for this team will look like and the reputation it will set for LMPS and the City of Lakeland, according to the three coaches.