Home Uncategorized Lakeland students from AHS make Honors Choir

Lakeland students from AHS make Honors Choir

Three students from Lakeland were among 18 Arlington High School (AHS) students who were chosen for the All-Southwest Tennessee Senior High Honor Choir. Winners in 10th through 12th grades can try for All-State.

Selected were Alexis Gick, Alto2, freshman and daughter of Jen and Bob Gick; Kendall Acheson, soprano2, sophomore, daughter of Kelly and josh Acheson; and Brody Melton, Tenor2, son of Laura and Brent Melton.

Alexis Gick
Kendall Acheson
Brody Melton

The Honor Choir will perform Nov. 20th.

… Photos courtesy of Jen Gick, Kelly Acheson and Laura Melton.