Home Lakeland Schools Lakeland Schools Continue To Grow. More Facilities Will Be Needed.

Lakeland Schools Continue To Grow. More Facilities Will Be Needed.

Work continues on the new high school. March 1, 2021.

by Matt Wright

Yes, a brand new high school for Lakeland students is under construction. But that’s not the only facility need on the horizon according to Superintendent Dr. Ted Horrell and the Lakeland School Board.

In the February Lakeland School Board meeting, a facility assessment was discussed by Dr. Horrell. Included in that discussion was the need for a new intermediate school in Lakeland.  A so called “Lakeland Intermediate School” could house grades 4 thru 6 according to Dr. Horrell.  The need, according to school officials, will address the growing pressure from families moving to Lakeland to gain access to some of the top rated schools in the state.

Under the long term vision, a new Intermediate school would allow Lakeland Elementary School plenty of room to grow over the next 20 years since it would then only house Kindergarten thru 3rd grade.  The Lakeland Prep campus currently educates 6th grade students but that grade would be pulled back to the new intermediate school under the school board’s vision. Lakeland Prep has also grown faster than originally projected and moving the 6th grade to an Intermediate school would relieve long term pressure at that facility as well.  If that happens, Lakeland Prep would be a 7th thru 12th grade campus.  A model seen at many private schools in the area according to Dr. Horrell.

Dr. Horrell also pointed out the idea for an Intermediate school has been the vision for some time and that vision has not changed. “Our enrollment projections have become increasingly accurate as we have more historical data to work with, but we continue to see growth that exceeds our projections in all grade levels. A future elementary or intermediate school that might serve grade levels currently at LES and LPS has been part of the school board’s long-term vision from the beginning,” said. Dr Horrell.

For perspective, the school board started planning for a new Intermediate school in November 2017. The board approved $1M for site acquisition for a future elementary/intermediate school at that time. Officials pointed out the money for the land purchase will come from existing fund balance and a loan for site acquisition would not be needed. At that time, the board was hopeful they could purchase land within a year and construction on the school would begin in the next 5-10 years (from that date). However, suitable land has not yet been identified and site options are still being evaluated according to Dr. Horrell.  School Board Chairman, Kevin Floyd, said he feels like the need for construction is now 4 to 7 years away and finding suitable land for the Intermediate school needs to be done as soon as possible.  “I’m really hopeful we can close on some land this year,” said Mr. Floyd.

School Board Chairman Kevin Floyd.

Mr. Floyd also told Lakeland Currents the vision of one Elementary school and one Intermediate school was twofold. “It relieves the pressure in our school facilities from Lakeland growth while also keeping Lakeland students together,” said Mr. Floyd. He continued, “We don’t want two Elementary Schools that merge into Lakeland Prep one day. We want the students to stay together and go thru the same schools at the same time starting in Kindergarten until they graduate from Lakeland Prep. Having a K-3 school (LES) and then an Intermediate school for 4-6 would accomplish that vision.”

Discussion about potential land options for the new school is expected in the upcoming school board meetings.