Home Community Events Lakeland Prep Celebrates Homecoming Week

Lakeland Prep Celebrates Homecoming Week

by Wesley Wright

America Monday, our first High School Homecoming Court, Tropical Tuesday, Tuesday night (a double-header with football), and Wednesday Camo vs Tye Dye and Throwback Thursday are just part of the Homecoming week lineup that really make it a special week at Lakeland Prep. It is the culmination of hard work for our students and the sacrifices made by people who saw the many benefits of a full K-12 system. This year itself and the following three years we will experience a parade of firsts, sometimes realizing it after the moment has passed. So, it’s good to reflect on it and just take it all in for what it really means for Lakeland. The Tuesday night crowd was magical for many reasons, there were so many different organizations, grades, and parents in attendance to enjoy time together.

The stands were full for Lakeland Prep Homecoming 2022.

Several years ago, we were in the midst of a battle for a high school and the very thought of festivities like this week were just a dream, far away. Monday evening, at the recently finished stadium, we listened to our marching band perform at halftime, witnessed Homecoming Court and all around us the backdrop of a school, and fields with more opportunities than what most could have imagined. As more grades are added and programs develop, and clubs take shape we will have even more to celebrate. It is a good thing we are a school centered community and when our town comes together it shines brightest. It’s great to be a Lakeland Lion.