Lakeland Parks and Recreation will reopen their parks and playgrounds today, October 2, to the public. The play areas have been closed for months due to restrictions put in place from local, county and state health officials.
Lakeland Commissioner Michelle Dial posted the information yesterday saying, “I am happy to announce that all Lakeland Parks will reopen tomorrow, October 2!!! They have all been cleaned thoroughly to get rid of months of grime, as well as any potential germs. Hand sanitizer stations have been installed. New signage will serve to remind visitors of health safety suggestions.” Commissioner Dial is the board of commissioners liaison for parks and recreation.
There are two Lakeland area playgrounds, one located in the Windwards Slopes park and another behind city hall. Both previously had caution tape wrapped around the equipment but that tape has now been removed. A third playground located at Zadie Kuehl park is scheduled for a makeover with brand new playground equipment. That project ties into the new Lakeland dog park which will be located next to the park.