Home Lakeland Sports Lakeland Lions Youth Football Sign-Ups Open Until June 16

Lakeland Lions Youth Football Sign-Ups Open Until June 16

Lakeland Lions Football File photo.

Parents have until June 16 to register their children for the Lakeland Lions Youth Football program. The city offers tackle football for kids aged 7 to 12, with three teams available: 8u, 10u, and 12u.

Lakeland has a long-standing tradition of competitive tackle football, with teams playing against area rivals from Bartlett, Arlington, Collierville, and more.

Key registration details include the requirement for birth certificates and player photos, which will be collected during the equipment distribution night, tentatively set for July 16.

Practices are scheduled to begin on July 8 at the Lakeland Athletic Complex on Memphis-Arlington Road. The cost to participate is $325, and a $350 deposit for equipment is required, which will be refunded upon the return of the equipment in good condition.

For more information or to register, please click here.