by Matt Wright
At The Board of Commissioners work session Thursday evening a resolution was presented approving the master plan for the Lakeland Athletic Complex and Recreation Park. The complex, located on Memphis-Arlington Rd, is currently under construction to complete Phase 1 of the project.
The property, which was purchased by the city in 2004, has undergone multiple revisions over the last 5 years. A master plan was developed in 2017 after receiving a grant from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for $500,000. However, shorty after that plan was developed wetlands were identified on the property which led to a revision of the master plan. According to Pat O’Mara, Lakeland Parks and Recreation Director, the city has redefined the property to ensure any future fields or facilities would be efficiently located on the property.
In the fall of 2020 a survey of Lakeland citizens was conducted to find out what residents would like to see in future phases of the complex. While a wide variety of answers were given, athletic fields, walking and biking trails, a playground, pavilions, and multiple outdoor recreation areas were identified as top needs for Lakeland. Commissioner Jim Atkinson asked Mr. O’Mara if the revised master plan for the complex factored in the results of that survey. “Yes, that was our first step to hand that data to the consultants,” Mr. O’Mara answered.

Phase 1 of the project includes two new flat fields which will be used for city recreation teams and programs. Currently, the city partners with Lakeland Prep to gain access to their fields at the new Lakeland Prep Athletic Annex. That facility, which opened last month, has 5 lighted fields and the city and school system have an agreement to share those facilities. However, as Lakeland grows, Mr. O’Mara knows more fields will be needed within Lakeland. “Having our own city fields will be a big help as we continue to add programs,” Mr. O’Mara said. “We’ve focused a lot on athletics because that is a huge need for us right now,” he added. However, he stressed future phases of the complex will also include amenities for passive recreation like walking trails and playgrounds.
Renderings of a fully built complex was once again shown to Commissioners (which can be seen above) and Mr. O’Mara pointed out there’s going to be something for everyone in Lakeland to enjoy once the facility is complete. While Phase 1 is building 2 flat fields for sports like soccer and football, 2 baseball fields and a softball field is part of Phase 2. Mr. O’Mara said baseball and softball facilities are a big need for the city. “Our next biggest need, and what the community is asking for, is the baseball and softball diamonds,” he told the board.
Mr. O’Mara expects the two flat fields to be sodded next week and teams will start using those fields in the spring of 2022. When asked when Phase 2 of the project might start for baseball and softball Mr. O’Mara said that’s hard to say at this point because financing is a critical aspect of the project. “Finishing Phase 2 is ultimately a Board of Commissioners decision. However, we may be eligible for another round of funding thru the state for Phase 2. There are some opportunities.”