Four Lakeland candidates arrived at the Shelby County Election Commission (SCEC) this morning (6.22.20) to pull petitions for the Nov. 3rd General Election. Today was the first day to pull petitions.
Open positions for Lakeland include two seats on the Board of Commissioners and two seats on the School Board. Seeking reelection to the School Board are Jeremy Burnett and Michelle Childs. Running to retain his Commissioner slot is Wesley Wright. Jim Atkinson is seeking the commissioner slot being vacated by Vice Mayor Josh Roman who is not seeking reelection to the Commission.
Lakeland Currents asked each of the announced candidates to share in 100 words a bit about themselves and why they are running for office this year.
Jim Atkinson

I’m running for commissioner because I care too much about our city’s future to sit out. Running a city is not a game — it takes experience, knowledge and the ability to make decisions in the present that are based on an understanding of the past and a clear vision for the future. My past experience as Lakeland Planning Director and City Manager for almost 14 years gives me the unique experience to be a valuable member of the Board as we define our vision and priorities. I pledge to be objective, thorough, fair and seek to bridge the divide we have in our city.
Jeremy Burnett

Dean of Faculty Support, Southwest Tennessee Community College. I have lived in Lakeland since 2012 with my wife Rachel and three children. We attend Faith Baptist Church. I have served on the Lakeland Education Foundation Board and currently serve on the Lakeland Industrial Development Board/ Economic Development Commission and the Lakeland School Board. While on the school board, I have finalized the partnership with the City to construct a high school opening in 2022. This completes a long journey to have a complete K-12 school system. I look forward to completing that project and supporting the school system, its administration, staff, faculty and students in a post-COVID-19 environment.
Michelle Childs

As a member of the Lakeland School Board, I’m running to retain my seat. I am a product of public education. Both my children have enjoyed and thrived at Lakeland Elementary and Middle Schools. I have been honored to help plan our city’s first high school and I wish to see this historic project to completion. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I support a platform focused on the whole child. Schools must consider the emotional and mental health of students as well as their academic and physical education. For this reason, I am proud to have voted for a later high school start time.
Wesley Wright

Residents of Lakeland gave me an opportunity 3 years ago to make a contribution. I introduced the moratorium on apartments, Flock Safety and the 2040 Vision Plan just to name a few. Daily I strive for transparency and accessibility via Facebook and other platforms. I have consistently advocated for conservation, walkability and upscale commercial and residential development since day one and hope to be given that opportunity once more.
Should others in Lakeland pull petitions for the November election, Lakeland Currents will provide information about those candidates.
The qualifying deadline for the election is noon Aug. 20th. The withdrawal deadline is noon Aug. 27th. Voter registration deadline is Oct. 5th and early voting is Oct. 14th – 29th. Link to information: The fall election will also include races for the U.S. President and Vice President along with federal and state legislative slots.
There is a state primary and County general election Aug. 6th. The voter registration deadline is July 7th and early voting is July 17th to Aug. 1st. Link to more information:
… Photo by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents