The 75 foot tall Lake District monument sign is officially halfway to completion. According to The Lake District developer, Yehuda Netanel, crews from Balton Signs successfully installed the base of the sign on Monday, November 10, 2021. The sign approval process was heavily contested in the past by Mayor Cunnigham and Commissioner Gonzalas, but eventually won approval with support from the rest of the Board of Commissioners. More about that story can be read here.
Maureen Yarborough, President of Sign Matters, who was hired to handle the design package for the mixed-use development, said the sign has been challenging but the final product will be well worth the effort. “It really is an art piece,” Ms. Yarborough told Lakeland Currents. To show the size and scope of the project Ms. Yarborough said 25 yards of concrete was used to set the pole and nearly 10,000 pounds of steel will end up being used for the structure itself.

The monument sign has the word “Lakeland” on the side and the word will be backlit at night. The top will have a slowly rotating Lake District logo that will also be backlit at night.
Local residents have already pointed the sign out on social media pages, even taking pictures of the sign and posting them online. Keith Acton, a Lakeland resident, said he likes what he sees so far. “I’m pleased to see the installation of the main sign. It already looks great and it’s not even finished,” Mr. Acton said.

Work on the sign will continue throughout the month and an event to light the sign is expected in late November. Mr. Netanel said the public will be invited to the lighting ceremony. A date and time for the event is expected to be announced soon.