The two pole signs at the former Factory Outlet Mall, I-40 and Canada Road, are no more. They were dismantled today (4.13.17) by Balton Sign Co. at the request of property owner Yehuda Netanel with Gilad Development Corp.
The derelict signs have been eyesores for travelers on the interstate as well as Lakeland residents driving up and down Canada Road.
The property at the mall site, as well as adjoining acreage now owned by Belz Enterprises (and under contract to Gilad) is to be developed into a multi-use Urban Village. However, Mr. Netanel asked for a year’s extension to start the project.
The signs and poles remain on the mall property since Balton was only tasked with dismantling and not hauling.
As an aside, Brandt Balton with Balton Sign Co., said he lived in Lakeland as a child on Memphis-Arlington Road and he once served on the Design Review Committee.
Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.