The first monthly meeting of 2022 for the Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce will be held Wednesday, January 26th at 11:30am at Stonebridge Golf Club in Lakeland.
Brittney Buchanan, Executive Director of the Chambers, told Lakeland Currents that this is also the annual awards luncheon and awards will be presented to members who went above and beyond in 2021. There will also be a check presentation to the Lakeland School System from the golf tournament proceeds.
Patrick Lawler, CEO of Youth Villages, will be speaking, and there will be a special presentation from the Youth Villages drummers. Lunch, catered by Pink Flamingo Catering, is being sponsored by Masters Roofing.
Admission is $10 for Chamber members and $15 for non-members. Please RSVP at the following link by Monday, May 24th. Payment can be made at the door or THIS LINK.