Home Local News It’s officially fall today, even if you didn’t notice

It’s officially fall today, even if you didn’t notice

You were probably asleep, but the calendar ushered in the autumnal equinox this morning (2:50 a.m. 9.23.19) with a promise of crisp cool temps, vibrant fall foliage, shorter days, apple cider, homemade soup and pumpkin spice everything.

With today’s forecast of 88°/61° along with a 50% chance of rain, maybe there’s something to that official change of seasons.

Lest you get too giddy about sweaters and scarves, warm apple cobbler, piping hot chocolate with whipped cream and facing a cozy fire, the end of the week forecast shows a bit more summer with temps in the 90s, even some 97-degree days next week.  So maybe enjoy a few more weeks of flip flops and sweet tea.