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Gregory Michael Steinberg on the Pros and Cons of ChatGPT

Gregory Michael Steinberg

Gregory Michael Steinberg has been fascinated with the popularity of ChatGPT since OpenAI, a company specializing in AI and Research, launched the product in late 2022. For those who have heard of ChatGPT but don’t fully understand what it is, Gregory Michael Steinberg notes that it is simply a language model of artificial intelligence that is programed to produce text and converse with humans. People can use a text box to send requests or ask questions to ChatGPT, then receive a response quickly.

While there are a lot of technology trends that receive hype and then taper off, Gregory Michael Steinberg believes that ChatGPT has earned its attention. He’s not the only one. Bill Gates called it one of the two technological advances that he witnessed in his lifetime that he deemed revolutionary. The other occasion was when he learned to the graphical user interface, which helped run Windows and other modern operating systems.

The advantage of ChatGPT are astounding. It is likely to change the way people learn and communicate with one another. Those curious about ChatGPT can easily sign up and use it for free. Professionals in multiple industries have started to incorporate ChatGPT into their work. ChatGPT can respond to questions like Siri from Apple and Alexa from Amazon before it, but it can do so at a much higher level. With reinforcement learning capabilities, it mimics conversations that are typically held between two humans.

One of the biggest advantage of ChatGPT is the versatility of the technology. Not only can it produce copy like rival AI copywriters, but it can also compose music and write out original stories. Content creators in all mediums can enter their ideas and then have ChatGPT provide the first draft of their story. Those in the tech industry are currently using ChatGPT to debug computer programs. So many tedious tasks that humans used to dread can now be handled completely by ChatGPT.

While many worry about ChatGPT eradicating the human experience, it is actually being used to boost customer engagement levels. Websites can leverage ChatGPT to provide accurate responses to the initial questions that customers on their website have. The more a website utilizes ChatGPT, the more it begins to understand the needs of customers and it will then provide even more insightful answers to customers. With people no longer needing to wait for responses, customers can get the answers they need in a quicker fashion.

When it comes to the disadvantages of ChatGPT, Gregory Michael Steinberg notes there are several causes for concern. For starters, ChatGPT gets most of the information it processes from the Internet. Any system that takes information from the Internet at face value can run into a decent amount of disinformation. When a system relies on data, it is quickly in trouble when limited data is available on the Internet surrounding a newer subject.

The biggest disadvantage due to the abundance of misinformation on the internet is inaccuracies on ChatGPT. Scholarly articles can not rely on ChatGPT as a source. Gregory Michael Steinberg believes anyone who uses ChatGPT should understand that they need to fact check all of the information by cross-referencing with sources that are reputable. Other limits currently include the inability to understand some nuances of conversation that a human person is going to pick up on. While ChatGPT is great for customer service when it comes to black and white customer service, it can be a detriment when people need emotional support. ChatGPT can not compare to a human when it comes to empathy and compassion.

Another clear disadvantage of ChatGPT is people utilizing it for the wrong reasons. For instance, college students asked to write papers should not be leveraging ChatGPT to do the work for them. Copyright infringement and plagrarism is a major concern for educators across the world. It also goes beyond the school system. Legal concerns include cybercriminals leveraging ChatGPT to execute a number of malicious schemes. Whenever a powerful technology hits the market, there will be concerns that people will use it for good and bad.

Gregory Michael Steinberg recommends that everyone gives ChatGPT a try and remains vigilant of the changes that the technology will continue to go through as it continues to process more data.