Paula Turner, director of the LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) Orchestra, today announced the names of four students selected for the 2018 All-West Tennessee Middle School Orchestra.
“They were selected by audition,” said Ms. Turner. “These students performed prepared musical excerpts, played major scales by memory and demonstrated excellence in sight-reading in order to earn seats in this prestigious honors ensemble representing the top level of musicianship in the West Tennessee region,” said Ms. Turner. She said the All-West Orchestra will perform at the Cannon Center in downtown Memphis in February 2018.
The students are 8th grade violinist Joyce Ma; 6th grade violinists Marian Jamora and Sarah Wang; and 7th grade bassist Jackson (Jack) Turner. “Jack earned the additional honor of placing first chair in the bass section. We are proud of all of our students,’ noted Ms. Turner.
LMPS opened this year as the second school in the Lakeland School System and serves grades 5-8.