Home New Developments Excavator moving dirt today (5.5.20) for Lakeland ALDI

Excavator moving dirt today (5.5.20) for Lakeland ALDI

Excavator at ALDI site today

Dirt-moving and clearing has started on the site of the Lakeland ALDI grocery on U.S. Highway 64.

Site-clearing for ADLI
At ALDI location today

The grocer will be located on approximately 2.67 acres in The Collection at Lakeland, a planned mixed-use development near the northeast corner of U.S. Highway 64 and Canada Road, between McDonald’s and Krystal.

The facility should be open by spring 2021.

Most recent rendering for Lakeland ALDI
Location of Lakeland Aldi

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents