Home Board Members Econo Lodge Motel fined today for non-compliance of City requirements

Econo Lodge Motel fined today for non-compliance of City requirements

From left, Forrest Owens, Diptesh Patel, John Highsmith and Tammi Ware-Staggs, court clerk

The Lakeland Econo Lodge was fined $50 and court costs this morning (4.24.19) at City Hall for failing to comply with required painting and landscaping of the motel property at 9822 Huff N Puff Rd.

Judge Taylor Cates with the Lakeland Municipal Court told defendants Hinesh Patel and Diptesh Patel they must be compliant on both issues plus a photometrics lighting plan by May 15th but he wants an interim report from Lakeland City Staff by May 6th.

Court order from Judge Cates

Presenting information to the Judge were John Highsmith, Lakeland code enforcement officer, and Forrest Owens, city planning director.

Mr. Highsmith asked about permanent signage for the motel and Diptesh said he is awaiting approval on the signs.  Mr. Owens said signage approval would go before the DRC (Design Review Commission) in May.

Mr. Owens questioned why the outbuilding on the property has not been painted the new cream color.  He said it makes zero sense to leave that building a different color.  The outbuilding should be painted, he said.  HInesh agreed and said that building would be painted.

Additionally, said Mr. Highsmith, there are two vehicles on the property with flat tires and grass growing around them.  Diptesh said the vehicles will be repaired or removed.

About the lighting, Judge Cates said the City’s concern relates to safety on the property and the brightness of the lights.  “This is not downtown Manhattan,” he said, noting the City does not want an excess of light.

Judge Taylor Cates

Mr. Highsmith asked who is painting the building, saying he didn’t think it was professionals.  Diptesh said most of the building has been painted by a maintenance crew they have on staff.  He said the four canopies and lobby area remain to be painted, along with the metal doors and windows.  And he expects all the painting can be finished in a week.

“Our position,” said Mr. Highsmith, “is that it is taking a lot longer than it should if you hired a professional painting crew.  You can see by the quality of the painting.  It seems very substandard.  It’s our contention that if you invest in better quality painting crew, this would have been done.”

Judge Cates warned the men that fines could mushroom if the City is not satisfied with progress on the work.

New development near the property?

Hinesh said he expects the property along Beverle Rivera Drive to be sub-divided by Pete Patel into three lots.  For that reason, he is hesitant to do the required landscaping.  But the landscaping requirement is still a part of the Judge’s order.

Diptesh Patel, left, and Hinesh Patel


In a November 15, 2018 memorandum from the Lakeland Design Review Commission (DRC), the motel owners were given a Feb. 1, 2019 date to improve landscaping and comply with Lakeland regulations on signage and update or construct the signs.   All façade and lighting improvements were to be installed and/or completed by April 1, 2019.

Motel 6, which rebranded itself in June 2018 as Econo Lodge, part of the Choice Hotel chain, made renovations which were not in compliance with DRC guidelines.

The owner has come before the Lakeland Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission (MPC/DRC) for code violations which previously took them to Shelby County Environmental Court.

In 2017, the owner started painting the building white without prior review and approval by the DRC.  The property was cited in August 2017 and on Jan. 18, 2018.

The 1973 property has been in Lakeland longer than there has been a Lakeland, which incorporated in 1977.

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents