Home Elected Officials CSC coming to Lakeland next week

CSC coming to Lakeland next week

Commissioner Michele Dial announces that Chicken Salad Chick (CSC) is bringing their salads to Lakeland next week for customers who pre-order and pre-pay.

“Pick up Tuesday evening (4.21.20) and enjoy your CSC during a picnic on Wednesday, which happens to be Earth Day,” said Mrs. Dial.

Flyer below provides details.

“April 22nd  is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and Lakeland Parks and Recreation was to have a special event that of course had to to canceled. The trees to be given away that day are already here, so I will be in the parking lot of the Corner Shops handing them out as you pick up your food.

‘Even if you don’t order food, please come get a tree to plant in your yard. As the years pass, you will always remember planting the tree on this special anniversary of Earth Day as the one where we all stayed home.”  The trees were provided by Tennessee Environmental Council.

CSC delivered orders in Lakeland earlier this month to 85 customers.