Home Lakeland Schools COVID-19 Prompts Interlocal Agreement Between City and Schools

COVID-19 Prompts Interlocal Agreement Between City and Schools

Under the CARES Act, Shelby County received over $49 million dollars this year from the United Stated Treasury Department. Under a new agreement some of those funds will now be distributed to the Lakeland School System.

Of the $49 million received by Shelby County in 2020, the City of Lakeland was provided a portion of the funding, $635,300.00 to be exact. The funds were meant to help offset expenses incurred as a direct result of COVID-19. Out of the funding received by the City of Lakeland, $228,300.00 will be provided to the school system so they can also offset some of the expenses due to the virus.

Lakeland School System Superintendent, Dr. Ted Horrell, expressed appreciation for the agreement saying, “This was another wonderful example of the City of Lakeland looking out for our school system and graciously offering support. Our goals of opening schools and keeping them open have required additional investments in staff, technology, cleaning, and safety. We are truly grateful for the support of our Board of Commissioners.” Dr. Horrell made a point to say the funding allows the school system to preserve its fund balance for future capital and operational needs.

City Manager Shane Horn

Shane Horn, City Manager for Lakeland, was also pleased with the agreement telling Lakeland Currents, “The City of Lakeland is pleased to further collaborate with the Lakeland School System in providing needed CARES Act funds for their operations. The CARES Act funds have been critical for the City and we recognize the extraordinary challenges experienced by Lakeland Schools as they continue to provide high quality education and services to our students.  Our thanks and appreciation to Superintendent Horrell and the administration and staff of Lakeland Schools for their perseverance throughout the pandemic.”

The interlocal agreement can be viewed here.