Home City Staff Community meetings for City Park: Two more opportunities

Community meetings for City Park: Two more opportunities

In the first of three public presentations, Parks and Recreation Department Head Kevin Rooney described a proposed City Park with a series of slides and explanations last night (3.18.18) at City Hall.

Kevin Rooney

The few residents who attended the community meeting heard Mr. Rooney explain the background on the Lakeland Athletic and Recreation Park which is to be at Memphis Arlington and Canada Roads. The proposed work would be phase one of the Park which, when finished, will offer space and activities for young children to senior adults.



There are two more community meetings to see the presentation and ask questions, make suggestions.

Additional meeting dates – City hall

March 19 – 6 p.m.

March 28 – 10 a.m.

Mr. Rooney suggested a family could come for a morning soccer game, have lunch in the park, walk on a trail, use the playground, enjoy the lake and cross the street to the IH Clubhouse for a live evening concert at The LAMP.  “This will be a park that everyone can enjoy,” he said.

Among the 20+ slides presented was information on Lakeland’s demographics and park space, target demographics and current and future recreation programs and activities.

The presentations are among the requirements for LPRF (Local Parks and Recreation Fund) grant applications, to be used to help fund the Park.

Mr. Rooney said, “The City understands the need for additional space for our recreational programs, and believes the multi-phase buildout will help our programs continue to grow with the growth of the City.

“The Park will also offer more space and opportunities for residents to get out and enjoy the outdoors.”

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.