Home Community Events City Wide Yard Sale Scheduled For October

City Wide Yard Sale Scheduled For October

A city-wide yard sale that any resident can participate in is once again scheduled for this fall in Lakeland.  The yard sale tradition, which has been ongoing for several years now, is scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 2022.

The yard sale day first begin in 2014 and since that date a fall and spring yard sale date has been consistent. Many homes participate around the city, sometimes up to two hundred spread throughout Lakeland. Previously, the sales date was determined through digital surveys, but the last few times were chosen through comments on social media sites like Nextdoor and Facebook. Like in previous years, there will be an opportunity for participants to input their address on Facebook and Nextdoor like in previous years.

Obviously, there’s no way to know the weather forecast this far ahead but organizers believe October temperatures are great for yard sales. Residents are reminded there is no rain check date. Organizers also want to remind residents if you are selling you are responsible for getting out any signage and having it removed by Monday. Some people will start selling Friday morning and continue Saturday morning. Most participants stop by 2pm Saturday afternoon since the big rush of buyers comes by 10am Saturday morning. All Lakeland sellers will be listed on the Yard Sale Treasure Map and shared via social media.