Home Business Chamber luncheon speaker shared Lakeland real estate stats

Chamber luncheon speaker shared Lakeland real estate stats

Wendy Greenlaw with Chandler Reports

Sale prices of residential real estate in Lakeland are expected to level out this year while inventory is likely to remain low, according to Wendy Greenlaw with Chandler Reports.

Ms. Greenlaw, business development manager with Chandler, presented a series of slides analyzing the real estate market in the City while speaking at the monthly Lakeland Chamber of Commerce luncheon yesterday (4.24.19) at Stonebridge Golf Club.

Of 2018 Lakeland numbers, she said the highest average sales price on record of $310,350 last year was up 10% from 2017.  She said new home prices averaged $415,000.

Established in 1968, Chandler Reports provides real estate data in Memphis and Shelby County, offering market trends and analysis for all aspects of real estate.

Tim Hogan’s Carpet and Floors in Lakeland was the luncheon sponsor.

Bruce Barney with Tim Hogan’s Carpet & Floors

About 60 people attended the luncheon including Mayor Mike Cunningham and Commissioners Richard Gonzales Jr. and Wesley Wright.

Chamber President Wil Ashworth reminded attendees of upcoming LAMP concerts in Lakeland and the opening of the St. Jude Dream Home in Winstead Farms.  The next Chamber luncheon will be May 22nd.

Attendees at yesterday’s Chamber luncheon

… Photos by Anna Stonestreet Smith