The 2020 census numbers have been officially released.
As of 2020 the census shows Lakeland having 13,904 residents. The government estimated in 2019 that Lakeland had approximately 12,642 residents. That’s an increase of 1,262 residents since 2019.
The census also shows a significant increase in Lakeland for residents 18 years and younger. An obvious sign of families moving to Lakeland to take advantage of the Lakeland School System.
Lakeland is still in growth patterns with multiple neighborhoods still under development, as well as our own high school opening next August. The next census will take place in 2030 and it is expected to return similar growth patterns for our city.
Commissioner Wesley Wright told Lakeland Currents, “We need to exhibit a healthy cadence of growth by using restraint. We do not need to find ourselves in a building frenzy that outpaces the balance we currently have established. Proper planning that places the importance of our schools as number 1 priority, conservation, quality residential and upscale commercial.”
Click Here For Full Census Data