Masks now required in Shelby County

During a noon briefing today (7.3.20), Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) officials said masks will be required in public for anyone over 2 years...

Holiday closures within Lakeland

The Lakeland Senior Center (LSC), City Hall, IH Clubhouse and Lakeland School System offices will be closed Friday (July 3rd) in observance of the...

COVID-19 report – 6.30.20 – LSS superintendent speaks on behalf of muni schools

(Editor’s note: Lakeland Commissioner Wesley Wright “sits in” for the Tuesday/Friday briefings of the City of Memphis Shelby County Joint COVID Task Force, mayors...

City renews Declaration of Emergency

City Manager Shane Horn said the Declaration for Emergency for Lakeland been renewed until July 3rd.  City playgrounds remain closed.  

COVID-19 report for 6.26.20 – Lakeland superintendent talks of schools re-opening

(Editor’s note: Lakeland Commissioner Wesley Wright “sits in” for the Tuesday/Friday briefings of the City of Memphis Shelby County Joint COVID Task Force, mayors...

BOC approves resolution for CARES Act Funding for the City

The Board of Commissioners (BOC) unanimously passed a resolution Thursday night (6.25.20) approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Shelby County to receive $407,000...

EDC/IDB meets tonight at City Hall

The Economic Development Commission (EDC) and Industrial Development Board (IDB) will meet at 6 p.m. tonight (6.25.20) for a meeting at City Hall.  It...

Special meeting this week for BOC

The Board of Commissioners (BOC) will meet for a special session at 5 p.m. tomorrow (6.25.20) at City Hall.  Although not posted to the...