Special BOC Meeting:  Fire Department in Place mid-2019?

Speaking to a packed house at a special meeting, including Boy Scout Troop 455 from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, an expert on fire...

LSB Members to Attend State Convention in Nashville Next Month

The Lakeland School Board (LSB) on Monday (10.4.17) reviewed nine resolutions and selected seven to endorse at the annual TSBA Leadership Conference and Convention...

P&R Board:  Sports Complex Partnership with Schools?

By Kim Odom, Lakeland Senior Center (LSB) manager The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (P&R) met for its monthly meeting yesterday (9.13.17) at City Hall. New...

BOC:  Rental House Contract, New Bulk Waste Pickup

The Board of Commissioners (BOC) met for two meetings tonight (9.7.17), announcing a City-owned house sale and a new bulk waste pickup program. At the...

Could TLD Be Back on Track?

With a quorum of four members, the Industrial Development Board (IDB) unanimously approved a resolution for a development contract with The Lake District (TLD)...

Beverle Rivera/Canada Road Lane Switch

From Jim Atkinson, Lakeland city manager, today (8.22.17): “According to the contractor, they will be switching traffic to the east side of Canada / south...

IDB defers decision on The Lake District

In a not-so-surprising move last night (8.17.17), the Lakeland IDB (Industrial Development Board) did not approve a development agreement with Yehuda Netanel, developer of...

MPC: Changes Suggested for Title Loan, Payday Lenders in City

Members of the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) voted tonight (8.17.17) in favor of a change in the Lakeland land development regulations that would restrict...