High Credit Rating Given to City for Bonds Issuance

Lakeland has received a top rating from Moody’s Investors Service related to the bonds issuance for the high school project. In a release published yesterday...

New Video:  Might Make You Proud to Live in Lakeland

It features the lakes of course.  A now annual bicycle ride.  Neighborhoods. Sports. Nature. “Come Discover Lakeland” www.comediscoverlakeland.com is a newly produced two+ minute video highlighting...

That’s A Wrap. Three for Three

In a historic evening, the IDB (Industrial Development Board) was the last in a series of three Board groups to unanimously vote to approve...

BOC Second of Three Boards To Approve School Financing

By Carl Helton, LC staff Tonight (12.5.17), the Lakeland BOC (Board of Commissioners) held a special called meeting to discuss the resolution requesting the IDB...

Lakeland Musical Groups Featured at Cordova Book Fairs

Lakeland Schools took their music on the road last week to book fairs at Barnes and Noble book store in Cordova for events sponsored...

LSB Work Session: Two of its Own Recognized; Meeting Notice Discussed

Stacy Hume, a second grade teacher at Lakeland Elementary School (LES), and Tami Boeve, an instructional facilitator based at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School),...

LSB Approves Resolution Leading to Possible High School in Lakeland

In a unanimous vote, the LSB (Lakeland School Board) approved a resolution that would ultimately fund a high school addition to LMPS (Lakeland Middle...

IH Clubhouse Friday Night for Special Visitor

Santa will be in Lakeland from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday night (12.8.17) for the annual Christmas Festival at IH Clubhouse (IHC), 4523 Canada...