Groundbreaking this morning for St. Jude Dream house in Lakeland

Accolades were many at the groundbreaking today (10.24.18) for the St. Jude Dream Home in the Winstead Farms neighborhood of Lakeland. St. Jude and City...

LMPS hosts final of three political forums last night – Video attached

The third and final Lakeland political forum is part of history after last night's event (10.22.18) The LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) PTO-sponsored the forum...

Chamber luncheon is Wednesday

The monthly Lakeland Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be from 11:30 to 1 p.m. Wednesday (10.24.18) at Stonebridge Golf Club, 3049 Davies Plantation Rd. Speaker...

Last Forum to hear political candidates is tonight a LMPS

The final of three political forms is tonight (10.22.18) at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) sponsored by the LMPS PTO. 6 – 8 p.m. tonight...

Thousands fill IH Park for annual Festival

IH Park in Lakeland was THE place to be this sunny, fall afternoon. Thousands of costumed children and adults filled the venue today (10.21.18) for...

LMPS Lions win the Paradise Grill Bowl last night on home field

Story courtesy of LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) Photos by Bob Fencl, video by Billy Kee The smoke billowed from the tunnel as the Lakeland Lions...

Candidates meet in North Lakeland for second forum – Video attached

Down windy roads, in a small church in North Lakeland, nine candidates seeking office in Lakeland came together to share their platforms and views...