“Willy Wonka Jr.” to be presented at LMPS in April
The LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) Drama Club will present the musical “Willy Wonka Jr.” this April in three performances in the school Cafetorium.
Come to “The Lions King Kids” Play debuting next week at LES
The Lakeland Elementary School (LES) PTA and Drama Club present “The Lion King Kids” next month in two community performances at the School.
Performance Times
Ribbon-cutting set for Nutrition Lounge in Lakeland
There will be a ribbon-cutting at 10 a.m. Feb. 1 for the Nutrition Lounge in the Corner Shops of Lakeland, 2961 Canada Rd, suite...
LES Glee Club performed at FedEx Forum
The LES (Lakeland Elementary School) Glee Club sang the National Anthem at a Grizzlies Game Jan. 16 at the FedEx Forum.
Dianne Davis, music specialist...
Lakeland Scout Troop helps City with Tree City USA application
The City completed all requirements
this month to be Tree City USA for the 13th consecutive year and a
group of young Girl Scouts helped the...
Projects, athletics reviewed by Parks and Rec Advisory Board meeting this week
By André Nolan, Board member
The Lakeland Municipal Parks and
Recreation/Natural Resources Advisory Board met Tuesday (1.8.19) at City Hall.
Link to the agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/808
Zadie E. Kuehl...