If you’ve been wondering about those pedestrian bridges on Canada Road with no apparent destination, the destination is in sight.
Construction on their completion is expected in the spring. There is a bridge on either side of Canada Road, south of I-40.
Emily Harrell, PE CPESC, city engineer, said, “The bridges and trail were constructed in 2009 with ARRA funds, which was a 100% grant for shovel ready projects.
“The interchange was under design at the time, so the City terminated the project at the end of the bridge not knowing exactly where the interchange project would terminate.
“The intent was to complete the trail once the interchange was constructed.”
Mrs. Harrell applied for TAP (Transportation Alternative Program) grants through both the Memphis MPO and TDOT for improvements to the trail south of I-40.
“The City was awarded both grants totaling $1,725,350 of which the City is responsible for $345,070. Improvements include completing the trail, stamped concrete crosswalks, drainage improvements and trail lighting. Fisher Arnold is currently working on the design.”
The City anticipates beginning construction Spring 2018.

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.