In a monthly business session tonight (6.11.20), the BOC (Board of Commissioners) adopted the annual budget and tax rate for Fiscal Year 2021 on a 4-1 vote, but not without a motion to amend the ordinance. The tax rate remains at $1.24 per $100 of assessed value.
Commissioner Richard Gonzales Jr.

made a motion to remove expenses for a dog park and playground equipment and return that money to roads expenditures. “Infrastructure is important to taxpayers,” he said. “It’s important to make a statement.”
Commissioner Michele Dial countered by saying those projects were already on the books and needed to be completed.
Vice Mayor Josh Roman

said a slide, below, prepared by Michael Walker, Lakeland finance and human resources director, shows the history of expenditures for parks compared to roads.
The motion to amend the budget document was defeated on a 3-2 vote: Commissioner Gonzales and Mayor Mike Cunningham voted for the motion; Vice Mayor Roman, Commissioner Dial and Commissioner Wesley Wright voted against.
The original annual budget ordinance was approved in a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Gonzales voting against it.
Link to Livestream:
Link to agenda:
The meeting was a City Hall without an audience because of COVID-19. Mayor Cunningham and Commissioners Gonzales and Wright attended in person. Vice Mayor Roman and Commissioner Dial participated remotely.
The 151-page budget includes goals and visions for the City, along with City information and financial goals. The lengthy document was created to qualify for the GFOA ((Government Finance Officers Association) designation. During the May 7th work session, City Manager Shane Horn said language was taken from the 2016 economic strategic plan with language and missions. “This is our document which gives us direction,” said Mr. Horn. “It says what we would like to accomplish.”
Link to budget:—2nd-Reading
Included in the new budget:
Personnel costs are budgeted based upon these factors:
- A City-wide cost-of-living adjustment of two (2) percent for all employees (comparable with prior fiscal years)
- A one (1) percent merit increase pool to be allocated based upon employee performance and evaluations (comparable with prior fiscal years)
- A City minimum starting hourly rate of $14 per hour for entry-level positions (an increase of approximately $1 per hour of previous starting rates)
The City’s property tax rate is budgeted to remain at $1.24 per $100 of assessed value
In certain cases, use of fund balance is planned to facilitate a balanced budget for fiscal year 2021 – yet the City has no planned use of fund balance in fiscal year 2021 from unassigned fund balance reserves
No additional debt issuance is anticipated for fiscal year 2021
City municipal governmental fund revenues are projected to grow by 8.5 percent in fiscal year 2021
Mr. Walker

gave a May treasurer’s report. “Across all funds (of the City), fund balance (and net position) decreased during May from $25,776,522 to $24,878,539 or by $897, 983,” noted Mr. Walker.
“However, fiscal year-to-date equity growth remains at $1.8 million since June 30, 2019. As estimated in the proposed Annual Budget, once all year-end accruals of revenues and expenditures are recorded this equity growth for fiscal year 2020 is expected to remain strong.”
In the wake of COVID-19, Mr. Walker said he looked at revenues for the month of May 2020 compared to a year ago. He found that overall, revenues increased 21% although local taxes decreased 11.6%. He said he expects to see further economic impacts from the pandemic.
Link to the report:
Resolutions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 were all approved. Resolution #6 dealing with distribution of Shelby County Cares Act funds was moved to July.
In his monthly report, Mr. Horn reviewed the Covid-19 impact on City Hall. He said the first Declaration of Emergency was announced March 20th and has been extended in seven-day increments since then. The City and County are still in Phase 2 and under Health Directive #5. The City Hall lobby was reopened to the public May 18th and staffing is now back full time. The Lakeland Senior Center started a slow open Monday with appointment only programs.
Mr. Horn said athletic fields are being used for practices and playgrounds are still closed.
Playground equipment for Zadie E. Kuehl Memorial Park has been ordered and is expected to be installed July 6th.
Commissioner Gonzales added an 8th item to the agenda, saying residents trying to search BOC meeting agenda items are being asked to log in. Mr. Horn explained that issue is being remedied and is the result of changing from the old City website to the new one. He said it is taking time to go through months of agendas.
Commissioner Dial

said she is working on the time capsule project for Lakeland students who graduated from area high schools this spring. She asked Shane if he could put some information on the City website. She is determining how many seniors will participate before she decides on the size of capsule to purchase. Link to story: