The Board of Commissioners (BOC) met for two meetings tonight (9.7.17), announcing a City-owned house sale and a new bulk waste pickup program.
At the 5:20 p.m. special meeting, commissioners approved an agreement to enter into a sales agreement on a City-owned property at 9996 Memphis Arlington Road.
Jim Atkinson, city manager, said a Lakeland resident has offered a cash contract for the house and wants to close next week. Mr. Atkinson had hoped the property could be used for overflow football parking this fall. The prospective owner has agreed to allow the parking through the end of the season which will be around Nov. 1.
Proceeds from the sale will be used to develop a city park and athletic fields on City-owned property at Memphis Arlington Road and Canada Road.
At the 5:30 p.m. business meeting, a new bulk waste pickup program was announced. The City will offer this pickup for free. Emily Harrell, city engineer, said the curbside pickup should be available Monday (9.11.17) by calling Rhonda Fink, community services representative at 867-5409 to schedule an appointment.
The service will be available once weekly with a boom truck collecting such items as furniture, appliances and large limbs not exceeding 10 cubic yards. There is a $5 per cubic yard fee over the limit and a $25 fee for appliances. Mrs. Harrell said the $25 fee is the cost charged to the City.
See explanation below for particulars on the new service. Mrs. Harrell asked that yard waste materials be stacked separately from other goods to chip and recycle for other uses.
Kevin Rooney has been named as the new Parks and Recreation Director, replacing Robbie Spencer who moved out-of-state. Mr. Rooney has been the recreation coordinator for about a year. Wendi Haley has been hired as the new recreation coordinator.
Mr. Atkinson stated that the gas station associated with the current McDonald’s on Canada Road is to be rebranded as a Mobile station and the owners are set to begin renovations soon. They are working on a tenant to replace the fast food restaurant.
Two residents spoke to the BOC about grounds maintenance issues around homes by Stonebridge Golf Club. Tia Bryan and P.J. Bartholomew complained there is stagnant water, 10’ tall vegetation, and health and sanitation issues. Both women said they have contacted the Club as well as City code enforcement and have made little progress on either front.
Mayor Wyatt Bunker said the Club might have to be taken to Shelby County Environmental Court but to let City staff do some research. He asked that staff talk to these neighbors tomorrow. “It is one of my pet peeves when staff doesn’t return calls,” he said. “We need to be user friendly,” he added.
Commissioner Clark Plunk lives near the Golf Club and said he has been battling overgrown vegetation for 18 years.
Also on the agenda:
- Rescinding and preliminary development plan and sanitary sewer concept plan with Evergreen Square Planned Mixed use Development. Recommending a concept sanitary sewer plan for a 32-lot single family subdivision known as Evergreen Manor. Harrell explained the Evergreen Square project is being replaced with the Evergreen Manor development.
George Munchow spoke about the new subdivision and the greenway separating his property as well as sewer capacity. Mrs. Harrell said the new development would be smaller than the original, so sewer capacity will not be a problem. The greenway question will be researched by the City.
- Housekeeping language for the Land Development regulations.
- Amendment to the City code regulating overgrown and dirty lots. The ordinance needs some tweaking, agreed commissioners and a clean copy will be presented next week.
- A first reading on an ordinance regulating the location and size of “alternative financial services: or quick cash locations. The ordinance restricts such establishments to U.S. Highway 64, not within 1,000-feet of a similar business and not to exceed 2,500 square feet of floor area.
Because of fall break, the Oct. 12 BOC meeting has been cancelled. The business meeting will be Oct. 5.
Link to regular meeting agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/691
… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.