Home Business BOC:  Proclamation to LSS, USDA loan and property tax rate

BOC:  Proclamation to LSS, USDA loan and property tax rate

Proclamation presented to LSS tonight - Angie Delloso, center, with Mike Cunningham, along with Lakeland School Board members and Commissioners

At tonight’s (9.11.19) BOC (Board of Commissioners) meeting, the Lakeland School System (LSS) was recognized with a proclamation for being named an Exemplary School District for 2019.  Accepting the recognition in the absence of Superintendent Dr. Ted Horrell was Assistant Superintendent of Academics and Exceptional Learning Angie Delloso.

Last month both Lakeland schools were named 2019 Reward Schools and LSS was ranked the #1 district in the state for grades 3-5 achievement and #2 ranked district in the state for grades 6-8 achievement.

City Manager Shane Horn gave an update on the USDA Rural Development loan to finance the first high school in Lakeland.  He said everything meets the USDA requirements with the required obligation letter forthcoming.   There is to be a signing of the documents Friday morning with Mayor Mike Cunningham and other parties involved in the process.  Mr. Horn thanked all who played an integral role in securing the financing.  He said everyone came together as a team and the project is going to be exciting.

The ordinance and final reading of the Fiscal year 2019-20 budget, along with the property tax rate, was amended to reflect a rate of $1.24.  The current tax rate for 19-20 is $1.89 and the original ordinance and final reading tonight was to change the rate to $1.20. At last week’s BOC meeting, there was interest in keeping the rate at $1.25 which was the Fiscal Year 18-19 rate.  Vice Mayor Josh Roman asked for the amendment to $1.24. The amended ordinance was unanimously approved. The Mayor said the approval reduces taxes by one-cent (from last year’s $1.25 to the new $1.24).

Link to agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/872

Link to Livestream: https://livestream.com/lakeland/events/8815991

And the rest of the meeting

A one-time additional bonus of $5,000 was approved for Dexter Muller,

Dexter Muller

part-time economic consultant for Lakeland. The BOC recognized his efforts in securing Aldi Grocery and additional commercial development to locate in Lakeland.  The Grocery will be on U.S. Highway 64 just east of Canada Road.

City Engineer Emily Harrell reported on City recycling efforts and the State Street Aid Fund. She explained the City continues to deal with exorbitant fees for contaminated recycling. She plans to send an explanatory postcard to all residents and says if collections don’t improve, rates may have to be increased.   State Street Aid Fund slides:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/gVoAbo7A9uUtJ1iH7

Mrs. Harrell expects work to start soon on the third gateway sign for the City which will be at U.S. Highway 64 and Chambers Chapel Road. It will mirror the other stone signs at two other locations on the Highway. She expects to be finished by the end of the year.

There was discussion on a moratorium on new apartments which would not impact age-restricted living on mixed-use projects. Vice Mayor Roman questioned should a study be done and tie the moratorium to the study.  City Planning Director Forrest Owens said a resolution could be crafted. Mr. Horn commented Lakeland has a lot of green space and agricultural-zoned space which would have to go before the Municipal Planning Commission and BOC before any rezoning was approved.

Vice Mayor Roman introduced conversation on supporting neighborhood watch programs in the community.  He said all BOC members had received an email from former Mayor Jim Bomprezzi requesting help in setting up certified Neighborhood Watch programs.  Noting Commissioner Richard Gonzales Jr. had experience with such programs in his own neighborhood, the Vice Mayor asked Commission Gonzales to take charge of the project.

Lt. Natalie Hillman with the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office gave the monthly crime report for Lakeland, noting a continued large number of theft from motor vehicles, many of which are unlocked.  Link to story with August crime statistics:  https://lakelandcurrents.com/august-crime-statistics-from-the-scso/

All items on the consent agenda were approved as were two resolutions on the regular agenda.

Beer Board

In a meeting before the BOC met, Ralph Samuel Bell came before the Beer Board for issuance of an off premises beer permit for Flash Market at 9108 Highway 64.  Before agreeing to the approval, Commissioner Wesley Wright asked if any cosmetic improvements could be made at the facility, mentioning landscaping and general maintenance.

Ralph Samuel Bell addresses the Beer Board

Mr. Bell said there is a new owner which requires the permit change.  He agreed changes were needed at the Market and said he is willing to work with the new corporate owner on landscaping, image and new signage. The BOC made a motion for a 60-day approval on the permit, which was approved unanimously.

Link to Beer Board: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/871

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents