Home Elected Officials BOC meets tomorrow night with new members

BOC meets tomorrow night with new members

The BOC (Board of Commissioners) meets in regular session at 5:30 p.m. Thursday (12.6.18) at City Hall.

Link to agenda:  https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/804

Preceding the meeting will be the swearing-in of newly elected officials: Mayor Mike Cunningham and Commissioners Michele Dial and Richard Gonzales Jr. They were elected Nov. 6th and replace Wyatt Bunker who served as Mayor and out-going Commissioners Clark Plunk and Matt Wright.

Among items on the agenda:

A public hearing, ordinance and final reading to amend the fee schedule modifying development fees to include multi-family units.

A resolution to elect a vice mayor and appoint BOC liaisons to three volunteer Boards.

A resolution to accept the audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30 and an ordinance/first reading amending the Fiscal Year 18-19 budget.

And a resolution to approve the 2019 meeting calendar.