Speaking at the regular BOC meeting tonight (10.5.17), Maggie Gallagher proclaimed that demo day for the former factory outlet mall will start at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 25.
Ms. Gallagher is director of development with Gilad Development Inc., the company owned by Yehuda Netanal who is building The Lake District at Canada Road and I-40. “It is very exciting,” she said in announcing the event which will follow a Lakeland Chamber of Commerce monthly lunch.
Mr. Netanel said 80 percent of the material demolished will be reborn somewhere else. “It is remarkable that we can recycle so much of the material,” he said. The first building will take a few weeks, he noted and then he will start the larger building. He said he will have a builders’ workshop Oct. 24 for high quality local builders and early bid reservations.
“It is a happy day for The Lake District and for the community,” he said. “We’ve had a couple of moments here and there,” he commented. He was referring to the length of time it has taken to start the project including a possible foreclosure last month.
He introduced his team working on the 160+ acre mixed-use development: Shawn Massey, The Shopping Center Group; Victor Buchholz with Looney Ricks Kiss; John Dudas with Belz Enterprises; David Smith with A2H; and Ms. Gallagher.
Attending the meeting tonight were members of Troop 455 from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Mayor Wyatt Bunker asked the Scouts to introduce themselves to the crowd, individually.

Another project in the City is improvement to the gas station at 3665 Canada Road. The new owners (since June), Anis Kapedia and Nizar Lanani, spoke to the BOC about a stop order they received on exterior renovations. Last month a McDonald’s at that location was “de-arched” and closed. Mr. Lanani said he expects to replace that restaurant with a Dairy Queen franchise but he needs approval to start back on the outside work.
Mayor Wyatt Bunker said the City doesn’t want to create hardships but the work was started with no approvals in place. “We are concerned because there is a process in place and we treat everyone the same,” said the Mayor. “We can call a special meeting (of the Municipal Planning Commission) if the process needs to be speeded along.” He added there are substantive changes to the color and façade, all subject to permitting.
The two owners said they are trying to make the property look awesome. Mayor Bunker said he appreciated the effort.

In his monthly report to commissioners, Jim Atkinson, city manager, praised the new bulk waste claw truck, reviewed upcoming events, noted new developments and home sales and announced that Emily Harrell, city engineer, received the state government engineer of the year award.
Sgt. Todd Cockman gave the monthly crime report from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, noting there were no real trends during September. There was one robbery of an individual and five thefts from motor vehicles, most of those unlocked. He recommended citizens always lock their cars and report any incidents to the Department. Commissioner Wesley Wright asked if there was any pattern to crime in the Stonebridge area and Sgt. Cockman said there was no research on that area.
A resolution on a sewer concept plan for Winstead Farms planned mixed use development areas 1 and 2 was passed by the BOC.
There was discussion on a sewer request for Estates of Chamber Chapel planned development. Bob Conrad with Mid-South Engineering Consultants, explained a regular sewer system would be costly on that land because of the variations of elevations. He said the system would be a 1,500 gallon tank with a back-up generator and gravity fed. It would be the homeowners’ association responsibility to make sure the tanks were maintained and filters changed.
Commissioners agreed discussions should continue with City staff, the developer and Vice Mayor Josh Roman. Thus there was no approval or disapproval.
Two first reading ordinances passed: one regulating the location and size of alternative financial services; and the other amending a zoning map reclassification for Eastside Baptist Church.
A resolution adopting the “Small Area Plan: was approved. Link to the plan: https://www.lakelandtn.gov/documentcenter/view/6198

Four resolutions relating to the Winstead Farms development were passed, along with a development contract with Evergreen Manor and amendment to a contact relating to the Canada Road pedestrian and bike trail.
Resident George Munchow addressed the BOC about concerns about Evergreen Manor and asked if they would take a second look at the project.

Link to agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/703
The BOC had no objections to Vice Mayor Roman working to create a Stonebridge Advisory Committee.
Link to photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VQMiaRPWrdz2FPjF2
Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.