by Wesley Wright
The Lakeland Golf Club played host to another well-attended luncheon for the April Chamber meeting. On the fourth Wednesday of every month the meetings only take a short break in November and December. The luncheon lasts just over an hour, so it makes for the great opportunity for businesses and individuals to fellowship and network. This month’s sponsor was Trustmark Bank Lakeland. Mr. Wil Ashworth, Chamber President, greets everyone and starts the meeting as we enjoyed the delicious food, this time prepared for us by Pink Flamingo.

The guest speaker for April was Senior Regional Specialist Aaron Stewart of TVA. What we expected to hear was insight into Blue Oval and the infrastructural demands that TVA had to fulfill but what we given was a much more surprising discussion on grants that could assist businesses, matters of economic development and best of all technical services. Assistance involving topographical and environmental work for municipalities among many other services pulling from TVAs vast resources that would prove invaluable. The Q and A was perhaps one of the best in recent memory with some great insight into the competitive global energy environment. We also learned a bit of trivia, only one town Tennessee does not use TVA – Kingsport!