Home Lakeland Schools ADM numbers provided for Lakeland, Arlington schools

ADM numbers provided for Lakeland, Arlington schools

Numbers are provided today (9.13.19) for the first 20-Day Report of the 2019-20 school year for the Lakeland School System (LSS) and Arlington High School (AHS).

The Average Daily Membership (ADM) data is from Aug. 12 – Sept. 9 for this school year.

Dr. Ted Horrell, superintendent for the LSS, said the numbers are among those submitted electronically to the state after each of the 20-day periods of the school year.

LSS serves grades K-8 in two schools and high school students attend Arlington High School through an interlocal between the two cities.

The total enrollment this school year at AHS is 2,104, according to Tyler Hill, communications coordinator for Arlington Community Schools.

He provided the breakdown as 1,141 students from Arlington, 684 from Lakeland and 279 non-resident students.

Dr. Horrell said 2019 enrollment at Lakeland Elementary School is 958 with 851 at Lakeland Middle Preparatory School for a total of 1,809.

The total enrollment at the end of the 2018-19 school year in LSS was 1,738 which shows a gain of 71 students this year within the LSS.

Lakeland is on the cusp of building its first high school adjacent to the middle school.  Confirmation of financing of a USDA Rural Development Loan is expected within days to build a $40 million high school which is to open to ninth graders in 2022-23 and add a new grade each subsequent school year.