Home National Stories 5 Things You Should Not Do on an Oahu Snorkel Tour

5 Things You Should Not Do on an Oahu Snorkel Tour


O’ahu is one of the most visited places in the entire Hawaii island chain, owing to its raw natural beauty, hospitable culture, and iconic beaches. But what truly makes the place a paradise for every adventure lover is the series of water sports and activities that will fill your heart with contentment and offer an ethereal and unforgettable experience.

With the best O’ahu snorkel tours available in abundance, you won’t even have to worry about organizing these activities by yourself. However, if you are keen on snorkeling and exploring the enigmatic ecosystem of the deep waters, there are certain cautionary practices to consider. With this being said, we have compiled a list of five major things you must avoid doing during the O’ahu snorkeling tour.

Not having your gear

All tourists should bring their gear for the Oahu snorkel tours. That’s because wearing rental gear might not make you feel comfortable due to the varying size. Besides, there are concerns with the hygiene and cleanliness of rental snorkeling gear. So, if possible, try to bring your own gear so that you won’t have to worry about your safety, comfort, and convenience during the activity, and pay undivided attention to the task.

Not joining practice sessions for snorkeling

Do not forget to join a few practice sessions with the snorkeling gear. Usually, people with no practice beforehand struggle with putting on the mask, keeping it in position, and breathing through the tube. So, practice will make you a master at handling the gear properly and avoiding any mishaps under the water.

Do not rush into the water

If this is your first snorkeling experience, getting anxious and stressed about going into the ocean water might be scary. It can elevate your breathing rate and make you feel numb once the cold water touches your skin. So, it’s better to practice your breathing session and calm your mind so that you won’t feel anxious before diving.

Also, do not straightaway rush into the water, even if you are a pro at swimming. Take your time and swim cautiously and slowly. It will help your body get accustomed to the salinity of the ocean water and help you become acclimatized to the environment.

Don’t jump off the boat for snorkeling

Another thing you should avoid doing in the Oahu snorkel tours is jumping straight into the deep ocean water from the boat. Despite it being a common practice, you need to be professional and an expert in deep sea diving to master the art.

That’s why it’s better if you choose a beach as your starting point. Get into the shallow water first and try to stay afloat for a couple of minutes. It will put your mind at ease and help you get acquainted with the ocean ecosystem.

Not paying attention to your location

Navigating your direction under the water isn’t easy. So, you should remain attentive and check your location once you are in the ocean. Take the help of a guide to ensure you do not stray away from the designated path and get detached from the group. Also, be very careful about your direction and follow the planned route without trying to be pseudo-adventurous.


Now that we have shared the major don’ts, it’s time for you to evaluate the best O’ahu snorkel tours and choose the most feasible one according to your schedule and budget plan. If you follow the above-mentioned cautionary practices, your snorkeling experience will certainly be unmatched in O’ahu.

By Chris Bates