Home National Stories The Complete Guide to Moving Specialty Items: From Pianos to Home Gyms

The Complete Guide to Moving Specialty Items: From Pianos to Home Gyms

Moving is stressful enough without worrying about damaging your most valuable and unwieldy possessions. While moving boxes of clothes and kitchen items is straightforward, certain objects in your home require special attention, expertise, and sometimes professional help to relocate safely.

In this guide, we’ll explore five of the most challenging items to move, with expert tips on handling each one without damaging your home or your prized possessions. Whether planning a DIY move or hiring professionals, this information will help you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Let’s dive into the most challenging moves and how to tackle them successfully.

1. Pianos: The Classic Moving Challenge

Centerpiece pianos, like a typical grand piano, are going to be one of the most difficult objects to move. With a Baby Grand being around 5-5’7″ and a Concert Grand being around 7’+, these are no small objects. While it may seem like you can simply crane these outside of the home, often the best move is to disassemble. 

If you do not know how to move a piano yourself, nor do you want to undertake moving a piano, local Lakeland movers can help.. But if you have a family that’s capable and fit, then you can move smaller pianos like an Upright Piano, but the largest pianos are best left to specialists.

When you move is also going to affect the piano itself. Pianos are made out of wood and strings, and humidity changes can greatly affect the quality of the piano. If you have stairs, then you’ll need to manage lifting the piano safely so it doesn’t get damaged. 

Pianos can also have finicky weight distribution which will further complicate the ordeal. And don’t forget, dealing with a piano’s weight brings safety into question. If you are not fully capable of having a team take care of the piano itself, then offloading this task to a team of professional movers is often your best bet.

2. Home Gym Equipment

Home gym equipment, unlike a piano, is highly manageable to move by yourself. If you are a gym goer, then it’s likely you’re fit enough to carry out the heaviest weights and dumbbells on your own. The biggest factor when moving is securing the weights down when you load them into a truck.

If you have heavy equipment like weighted pulldowns and row machines, then you’ll need a friend who can help move them. However, some machines can have hundreds of pounds on them, so having a strong group of lifters will help ease the burden.

Some machines and gym equipment will have sharp edges. In this case, it’s best to wrap them in blankets or soft surfaces so you do not damage the home you’re moving into or out of. If you’re taking apart equipment, it’s paramount that you keep track of every nut and bolt, as it can become a safety hazard later on if you forget to reattach a fastener.

3. Large Sectional Sofas

The biggest challenge when it comes to large sectional sofas is bringing them downstairs. Many movers opt to hire a crane for these challenges, especially if the sofa is on the third floor or higher. Apartment renters in high rises often don’t have room to move a large sofa in the elevator, so a crane will be the best option.

It’s possible to disassemble the sofa as well. Just like the gym equipment though, it’s a good idea to keep track of every part of the sofa to ensure everything is put back correctly. Awkward angles are going to happen when you’re moving in or out, and having effective communication with the team lifting the sofa is critical.

Before you move the sofa, measure every door that it would need to be moved through. You do not want to end up in a scenario where the sofa won’t fit and you’re going to have to do twice the work backtracking to another larger doorway.

4. Heavy Vaults

Not everyone has a heavy vault for storage, but some opt to have fire protection for documents and other valuable objects. Some vaults are bolstered to the ground, and will require a team of professionals to remove.

Some vaults can even weigh upwards of a thousand pounds, and depending on the type of vault, it may not be worth the money to hire a team to remove it. It may be best to leave the vault where it is or sell it before moving out and purchasing a new vault. 

Smaller vaults can be moved with a team of people fairly easily. Smaller vaults can be taken by hand, but ensure that they’re tied down while in travel. Do not leave any belongings inside of the vault if they’re being handled by movers.


Moving heavy objects by yourself can be done, but the biggest objects like pianos are best left to professionals. If you’re doing it on your own, invest in safety equipment, and communicate properly while moving down flights of stairs.

Ensure that you work as a team, and do your best to not damage the home you’re moving out of as you haul these heavy items. If you’re working with a moving company, always vet them online to find the best local company to work with.

By Chris Bates