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Tammy Adams Psychic on Connecting with Loved Ones Beyond

Tammy Adams Psychic

Tammy Adams is a world-renowned Psychic whose ability to communicate with souls was simply a natural part of her existence from a young age. In the following article, Tammy Adams Psychic discusses the practice of Mediumship and how it transcends boundaries to offer solace, closure, and a profound sense of connection beyond the earthly plane.

Psychic Services are a $2.3 billion industry with a forecast of 1.0 percent growth in this year alone, according to IBIS World, a trusted industry research company.

In addition, global public opinion and data company YouGov published a study stating that approximately 22 percent or 1 in 5 Americans reported that they have consulted with a medium, psychic, or fortune teller at some point in their life.

While there are plenty of skeptics, there are also countless believers in psychic practices. Many believe that mediumship is the best way to seek understanding, healing, and closure with loved ones who have passed on.

Below, Tammy Adams Psychic provides an overview of mediumship, discussing the process of connecting with departed loved ones as well as how mediums use these connections to facilitate healing and closure.

Tammy Adams Psychic Explains Bridging Realms

Mediumship is the extraordinary practice of connecting the world of the living with that of the afterlife. Psychic mediums communicate with spirits of the deceased through feeling, seeing, or hearing to serve as a bridge between the spirits and the living.

Their main goal is to deliver evidence of existence and messages to their clients from their loved ones who have passed on.

Tammy Adams Psychic explains how today, people tend to link mediumship to wellness, as it is used as a healing modality believed to bring comfort and peace to grieving individuals or those who are seeking guidance.

Types of Mediumship

  • Evidential Mediumship: Evidential mediums, also called Psychic or Intuitive Mediums, provide clients with evidence that their departed loved ones are still here on the Earth plane.
  • Trance Mediumship: This is when a medium blends with their “spirit guide” to provide healing and wisdom to their clients.
  • Mental Mediumship: Similar to evidential mediumship, a practictioner will communicate with spirits through their mind and relay messages and evidence of the departed to their living loved ones.
  • Physical Mediumship: This rare type of mediumship is defined by physical changes in the environment as a result of communicating with the spirit world. The changes may include apparitions, moving objects, a hot or cold feeling, etc.
  • Direct Voice Mediumship: This is when a medium sits at a seance and manifests voices of the departed.
  • Animal Communicator: A medium that specializes in communication with pets or animals, both living and dead.
  • Channeling: Tammy Adams Psychic notes that channeling has many meanings, but it typically refers to mediums that blend with a spirit or higher power and usually perform through a ouija board or at a seance table.

How Mediums Facilitate Connections

Tammy Adams Psychic

Preparation and Grounding

Mediums prepare themselves through various grounding techniques, helping them establish a clear and focused mind for a session.

Setting the Intention

Tammy Adams Psychic explains that before a session begins, the medium will set a clear intention to connect with a spirit. Setting intentions helps to create a spiritual pathway that allows connections.

Receiving Messages

At this point, the spirit may begin to communicate through sounds, thoughts, feelings, or images that are typically symbolic and need interpretation from the medium.


The medium will try to identify the spirit they are communicating with by asking questions about physical characteristics, relationships, or personality traits.


Tammy Adams Psychic explains that validation is one of the most important steps of the process wherein the medium relays messages received from the spirit to the client. The medium will then confirm or validate the received information with the client.

Open Communication

Once the connection is established, the medium will act as a bridge for the sitter (the client seeking the connection) and the spirit. This usually involves showing emotions, sharing memories, or passing on messages.

If there are any unresolved issues, the medium may facilitate communication to address these.

Healing and Closure

The spirit offers guidance or expresses their presence, and mediums relay messages of healing, love, and forgiveness to provide the sitter with peace and closure.

Closing the Connection

The practitioner will end the session once they have ensured that communication with the spirit is safely and respectfully closed. The medium usually advises the sitter to use the experience in order to find further healing and support by practicing journaling, joining support groups, or seeking therapy.

Connecting with the spirit of deceased loved ones through mediumship is a sensitive and deeply personal process and should be approached with an open heart and willingness, as it can begin one’s journey to healing and closure.