Essay writing is one of the most important tasks in the academic realm. Unfortunately, many students write their essays aimlessly as they don’t know what the key idea of the piece of writing is. According to a study by The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, 72% of students do their academic tasks absent-mindedly; this rate is 10% higher than the previous year’s record data.
In this situation, the thematic statement takes hold. This statement empowers students to convey a simple yet powerful message through their documents. However, the problem is that most students don’t know how to hack and write impactful thematic sentences. Do you also want to learn the craft of writing this statement? You have knocked on the right door. In this article, we’ll share everything you must know about theme statement writing.
Let’s get started with knowing about the thematic statement.
What is a Thematic Statement?
Servants University defines the thematic statement as “it serves as a powerful tool in storytelling, comprising the key message into one or two concise sentences.” It also offers a clear understanding of the central concept that is being explored in the narratives. This statement is not meant to be descriptive. Still, it must encourage the readers to analyse and interpret the key message and eventually allow readers to engage with the writing piece in a meaningful way.
Below are some general characteristics of a good theme statement that you must know before writing it.
- A good statement is focused and to the point and only comprises the essence of the writing document. It shouldn’t contain excessive information that may confuse readers.
- This statement must truly reflect the main theme of the essay, conveying the intended meaning without being generic.
- However, the thematic sentence is written for the specific document, but it must possess universal quality so it may be true beyond the specific story.
- These sentences must be captivating enough so that they grab the readers’ attention instantly and encourage them to get a deeper understanding of the work.
- A strong thematic statement provides room for the readers to not only get a comprehension of the central theme but also gives them the independence to conclude.
- The best thing about the theme statement is that it adds resonance and meaning to the writing paper. It comprises the ideas, truths, and emotions that are being explored in the work. Ultimately, it allows the readers to connect with the deeper narrative of the story on which you are writing your story.
We know that writing a statement that possesses all these qualities is an uphill battle for most students. Therefore, they can get help from a top-notch essay writing service to get a strong and meaningful statement for their essay.
Now that you have learned this statement, it’s time to explore some effective ways to write a win-win statement for your essay.
3 Hacks to Write a Strong Thematic Essay
Writing a strong theme statement is not as hard as most students think; they just have to follow the right way to write it. In this section, we’ll discuss some hacks that can make your writing process a cool breeze.
Keep reading to explore them.
Find the Theme Concept
The first and foremost thing to do while writing the thematic sentence for your essay is to find the theme idea about which you are going to write. This step will give you an overview of the concept or topic. To find this, you have to fully understand the work or material provided by the teacher. You can use this information to determine the central message of your writing and also identify the intended message of the author.
You can follow the below tips to effectively find the theme for your essay.
- Make notes while reading the piece of the document provided by your teacher. This will enable you to track the character development, plot twists, and crux of each chapter or page.
- You can also use the literary analysis technique after you finish your reading to ensure that you interpreted the information correctly.
- Ask yourself various questions to get the main theme idea.
Understand the Author’s Perspective
After identifying the central theme of the piece of writing about which you have to craft thematic sentences, you must understand the author’s purpose and motivation behind this piece of literature. To comprehend the author’s perspective, you must do some research. This research will empower you in the following ways:
- It provides you with the background information, motivations, life experiences, and beliefs of the author.
- This research will also give you a historical context that shapes the author’s core values.
- With this, you can also explore the main conflict which the author aimed to resolve through his writing.
Thus, by conducting research, you will better understand the message behind this writing that the author wants to convey to his readers.
Effectively Write Your Thematic Statement
Now that you have identified the main theme of your writing and understood the author’s intentions, it’s time to write your theme statement for your essay. This statement usually comprises one or two sentences; however, it is important to write a clear, concise, and meaningful statement.
You can follow the tips below to write a powerful theme statement for your undergraduate essay.
- It aims to assess a particular idea rather than prescribe how someone should behave. Therefore, it is important to avoid a directive tone and style while writing it.
- Cliches are generally used in various writings, so these can make your writing generic and boring. So, to make your statement unique, avoid using cliches.
- It is also important to edit your statement for clarity. Therefore, when you write your thematic sentences, look for instances such as complex words, ambiguous ideas, or repetition. This will eventually make your statement a win-win for your essay.
Thematic Statement Examples
The theme statement is the heart of a successful essay, so you must write a powerful statement. However, many students find themselves in hot water when they have to write a strong theme sentence for their essay. They can approach legit essay writing agencies to get their assistance in writing a strong thematic statement.
Besides, they can better understand this theme statement by exploring some examples. Check out what these are:
Example 1:
Theme: The Effect of Choices
Thematic Statement: Our decisions are the true reflection of our values, which shape our destiny, and echo in every aspect of our lives.
Example 2:
Theme: The Power of Uncontrolled Ambitions
Thematic Statement: Shakespear’s play “Macbeth” states the negative impacts of the unchecked and uncontrolled ambitions which sometimes take the central stage in our life.
Example 3:
Theme: A Fight for Justice and Equality
Thematic Statement: In the prize-winning novel of Harper Lee “To Kill the Mockingbird”, he penned down the struggle of individuals to get justice and equality, which are the basic human rights.
Example 4:
Theme: The Power of Courage
Thematic Statement: Courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but simply it is the power to face any type of hurdle single-handedly and emerge each time stronger than the previous time.
Example 5:
Theme: The Magic of Forgiveness
Thematic Statement: Forgiveness has the transformative power that not only significantly influences the forgiving person but also changes the meaning of the life of the person who gets forgiveness. The theme of this writing piece covers a broader concept of the power of forgiveness.
The thematic statement serves as the roadmap for the readers that allow them to understand the intricacies of the narratives and provides them with a framework for the effective framework. Moreover, this statement makes the essay more impactful and tells the readers you have a deeper understanding of the topic. However, writing this statement is a little bit tricky for students as they are unable to figure out the crux of the story effectively.
To help them out, we have brought this guide, where we have shared some key hacks that can make the writing process a walk in the park. These hacks include finding the main theme, interpreting the author’s perspective, and writing the statement effectively. Additionally, we have shared some thematic statement examples that will assist you to better understand it.
Author Bio
Sarah Hammond is an expert essay writer who has completed her graduation in literature from a reputable company. She aims to help students who are struggling to write their academic documents, particularly essays. For this, Sarah wrote various guides comprising the instructions for writing winning essays.
By Chris Bates